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L104 Breeding


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I just spent every cent I have buying 4x L104 off Adrienne. I plan to spawn these guys. I own one female. Getting three confirmed females and one unknown. I'm hoping the unknown is a male, if not I'll have to get one. I was planning on either setting up a 4ftr just for them, or evicting the residents of my current 4ftr. If anybody has a better suggestion feel free to tell me :lol:

The plan was a 4ftr with dark gravel, a lot of slate caves, a lot of driftwood and High flow. Once I found out the cave they spawned in, i'd position a powerhead to put a little flow into the cave to prevent the aneabrobic build up or something like that. Read about it online.

I was going to use a canister with high flow and a spray bar. Sort of set up like a river tank. The breeding log i was reading use a UGF also.

I've also read that I must recreate the seasons? Dry season for two months, then wet season for the spawning? What live foods are recommended?

Any help appreciated :D

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I'd throw some bamboo caves in there also.

I'd try flow across a couple of caves and some not.

Leave flow as it, as male has chosen cave for whatever reason so leave it be IMO.

give hidey holes/shelter outside the caves.

Change is as much as trigger as anything else. The simple fact of the move and new tank could be that trigger so be prepared straight off as the fish look to be in great condition.

Good luck!

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As of saturday the fish are in the tank. One showed distinct colours, assumed to be a male. Have given them 3 bamboo caves. Every time I'm in the room I look in the caves to see if he's in there. Today, he's in there, head first, making fanning like motions. Looks similar to what that other plec was doing in his cave Firenzenz :wink:

Now, I have to sit and wait.

Lets say its a female though, is it normal for a female to go into a cave head first and make fanning motions?

I so hope its eggs :bounce: :bounce:

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Firstly I'd not be worrying at all if you had 4 females. enough around that I'm sure you'll find someone keen for a swap.

If you are doing photo's ( I wouldn't bother yet)- get dorsal and ventral views so you can get good idea of body and head shape- Close up of cheek and pectoral odontodes would be handy also.

Was the one fanning in the cave completely- or tail sticking out fanning-(a very male behaviour-when 'advertising')

Females will go into caves but dont seem to hole up in them like males.

Pretty exciting first week though all in all :lol:

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Firstly I'd not be worrying at all if you had 4 females. enough around that I'm sure you'll find someone keen for a swap.

If you are doing photo's ( I wouldn't bother yet)- get dorsal and ventral views so you can get good idea of body and head shape- Close up of cheek and pectoral odontodes would be handy also.

Was the one fanning in the cave completely- or tail sticking out fanning-(a very male behaviour-when 'advertising')

Females will go into caves but dont seem to hole up in them like males.

Pretty exciting first week though all in all :lol:

I'm not worried about 4 females, i'm worried about 5 :-?

Heres my photo's. Useless and I had to catch and put in a cage :lol:








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Yeah I'd say with their 'conditioning' it would be hard to get really definitive ID from even the experts at PC.

I'd not worry for a while, what will be will be and look to wean them off some of the the more protein based foods.

Seem to remember on Tm diet was mix with bloodworm also. No more bloodworms or at least wean them off them and move to pleco chip/spirulina/ wood diet for nxt 2mths.

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A wood-eating fish, the tank should be decorated with several different types of driftwood. These fish really like to have something to chew on and squash, cucumber, and other vegetables should be readily available to them (yams are a favourite)

http://www.planetcatfish.com/catelog/sp ... ies_id=734

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