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Apistogramma agassezi


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There were over 80 fry in with her and around 160 that I stole from her a couple of weeks ago. Just lost the lot in the earthquake but I managed to scrape the male and another female off the garage floor - still alive so far. Amazingly saved a bunch of hongsloi but the shellies are dying of stress. Lost a lot of fish but big tanks are ok (sloshed out about 15cm of water onto the floor, flooding the carpet in the lounge). Water main is off due to split pipes and doors are off their hinges.

Sitting in the sun with a cuppa after working on cleanup and rescue since 4.35 this morning. Gonna be a long week.

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Fish and tanks are easier to replace than people :cry:

I agree, gutted about the fish but as long as everyone is ok fish can be replaced.. I know it is no consolation but you don't need to worry about shellies when you are ready for some more there are some here with your name on them :)

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