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Hello everyone!

First post!!

A bit about my tanks:

300L Juwel (living room tank that wife has to approve of :wink: ):

South American theme. Rocks, driftwood and medium planted for now.

5 Discus, 8 Sterbai Cory, 4 Bandit Cory, 20 Cardinals, L270 Pleco and few SAE's (oops not S.A. but they just do such an awesome job!)

400L Glass tank (2nd bedroom/fish room tank):

I made the lights for this tank myself. Just mounted 4 normal 240V halogen spots on a piece of wood and suspended it from the ceiling over the tank. Then used LED lights for the 4 bulbs. Uses a total of 14 watts! A bit dim but no need for strong lighting in this tank so I'm quite pleased with it.

Sandy(ish) substrate, some driftwood and some heavily anchored (between rocks) anubias

A pair of Geophagus altifrons grown out from a group of 6 (female in quarantine due to excessive wife beating)

Some penguin tetras, glowlights and a flok of red phantom tetras (tetras are really only there as dithers/leftover fish from previous tank but the altifrons hardly notices them)

I'm a rescent immigrant from Denmark and I've kept aquariums for as long as I can remember over there and now finally in a position to have a few tanks again so it's good to finally find a Kiwi aquarium community like this. So I guess I am just sort of getting started again with this hobby but already find myself gathering gear like a snowball going downhill!

Anyway thats me for now. I've got a long (and dramatic) story about my altifrons I would like to share but not tonight.


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Welcome. Hope you will be able to post some pics of your tanks at some stage too.

Some of my relatives, a few generations back, came over here from Denmark so perhaps we are related :lol:

My maiden name was Rasmussen, which I gather is the 4th most common name in Denmark (equivalent of Brown in English :roll: )

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