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Close Call - Need some advice


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That is caused by either a cheap nasty multiboard shorting out or overheating with current flowing through it (these cause LOTS of household fires and at least one fishroom fire I have heard of) or if a drip of water or something got under the plug and shorted it out.. Glad you got there in time :)

You can buy better quality multiboards as livingart has suggested, surge protectors wont do anything to help as they only protect against surges from the power supply end, those ones with current limiting devices would help somewhat if something was shorted as they would trip out killing the power.

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ones with current limiting devices would help somewhat if something was shorted as they would trip out killing the power.

that would be the best for your replacement powerboard.

i had a similar thing happen to be but we noticed it by the weird 'vibrating' sound the plug was making as it was sparking. didnt get that bad though, mine was caused by a bit of water getting into the plug.

make shure all your cords have drip loops and the multi board isnt on the ground or mounded somewhere that you can splash water onto it during a waterchange if it isnt already.

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The heater should be unaffected (hopefully) but you definitely need better multiboxes.

The stuff from the warehouse is ok in my opinion, and I use them on my tank. But when it comes to precious stuff like my computer, I use ones from Dick Smith with a surge protector.

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I doubt that a drip of water getting into it. In my experience when you get water creating a short it results in a nice little, inconspicuous *BANG* that will make everyone in the house bounce off the ceiling.

So, my money is on a poor connection slowly heating up.

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Cheap multibox's are nasty, they shouldnt be sold.

thats an interesting way to look at it P44. Sounds like somthing a commercial outfit would make up to suit. :D

They shouldnt have condensation at all as far as im aware. They often do it over time, but i always assumed it was just water slowly getting in. Your not suppose to submerge the whole thing like 95% of us do. top suppose to be out of water.. I often get small electirc shocks off the water if i use an old heater with condensation. Ive never seen a new heater out of the box have condensation?

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That was Eheim's response. Smidey emailed them once I think, and I spoke directly to the Eheim agent. We both basically got the same response.

you not suppose to submerge the whole thing like 95% of us do. top suppose to be out of water..

Not at all. The eheims/jagers, fluvals, renas etc are totally submersible. The condensation only occurs once the coil heats up and the differences between the internal and external environment are realised.

The non ceramic containing heaters won't have any condensation, or any that is noticeable.

The condensation you describe within the unit can often occur in aquarium heaters. It is caused through the heating and cooling of the ceramic heater coil. Our Eheim Service Manager assures us that this will not damage the heaters. Of course if there is any moisture build up in the heater due to the integrity of the seals failing this would be a different situation, but one would notice an increasing amount of water within the glass sheath.

I hope that this helps to answer you question and if you have any further queries please let us know.

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yep. (eheim makes jager and a few other things and uses a different name for each product it offers; filters = eheim, tanks = mp, old tanks = eheim)

The crinkly line is the minimum water level line. After the German writing underneath that, it says Fully submersible.

If the heater is over 5 years old, I'm not sure about them, but ever since 2005-06 they have been fully submersible.

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thats an interesting way to look at it P44. Sounds like somthing a commercial outfit would make up to suit. :D

They shouldnt have condensation at all as far as im aware. They often do it over time, but i always assumed it was just water slowly getting in. Your not suppose to submerge the whole thing like 95% of us do. top suppose to be out of water.. I often get small electirc shocks off the water if i use an old heater with condensation. Ive never seen a new heater out of the box have condensation?

mine was new out of the box .. well a couple of weeks old before I noticed it. But it is submerged, just under the surface. I keep meaning to bring it up slightly but forget.

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Personally I don't buy from Dicksmith's. Pretty much any other electrical supplier will be far cheaper. If you visit a trade supply store (found in local yellowpages) you will also have a much better chance of finding educated and/or experienced help.

The last item I got looked at was a 10M high quality DVI to HDMI cable, picked it up for $28, at Ds's it was $90!! Identical products! Just one example, I've got plenty more if you need them ;)

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