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why is overseas shipping water blue?


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There are a number of additives to shipping water including sedatives, antiseptics, water stabilisers and antibiotics. Often fish are shipped in isotonic solutions of salt (0.9% NaCl or 9 grams per litre).

Basically puts them in a coma right? To save energy etc etc to allow them to live for longer? Something like that? haha

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With regard to the sedatives, yes. I don't know about the salt though, it is just how we have received some freshwater fish in the past and is referenced in some aquatic medicine textbooks but I haven't really looked into it to find out more specifics.

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Because it is such a large place and includes Hawaii and Alaska I would think that if they use it interstate they would probably use it for export as well. I am not suggesting they don't use it or it is a bad idea, only that I have no idea as I have not seen it. As Jennifer has aid, there are a number of additives used to relieve stress, prevent the spread of problems from overcrowding, remove ammonia and a raft of other reasons. I would be curious to see what it is and the reason for it.

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