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Crypt Question.


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Hello fellow aquarium enthusiasts,

I replanted my aquarium about 8 weeks ago. I have included a photo.


I have planted a couple of Crypts for the first time. I believe they are Cryptocoryne walkeri and Cryptocoryne becketii. Both plants have new growth but the new leaves in the middle of the Cryptocoryne becketii are almost brown in colour yet the older leaves are quite heavily tinged with green. Is this normal?

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here you go,

http://s766.photobucket.com/albums/xx30 ... ick_album/

when you are in your photo bucket account you put your courser over the picture and copy and paste the 'IMG code'

but the picture you uploaded to photo bucket is too big to show on this forum and needs to be resized before you can make them show normally on the forum

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Crypts colouration can vary greatly.

In higher light you will see more browns and patterns on the leaves.

Its hard to ID a submersed crypt as they can look vary different when grown emersed.

Do you have a better picture to see the leaf texture from above? The front one could even be a wendttii, but it does look like a walkerii maybe.

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Hi All,

Thanks for the prompt feedback. :D

I have taken some more photos. You can see the 2 brownish leaves at the centre of the plant. They are alive but look discoloured. The plant is exposed to a lot of light so maybe thats the reason for the browner pigments.






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Hi Joe,

Thanks for your kind words.

Tanks Specs:

AR620 with the filter and light hood removed.

Fluval 205 canister filter.

Atman LV20 light unit.


Stocked with: 12x Rummynose tetras, 3x Bristlenose, 3x Kuhli loach, 2x Electric Blue Rams.

The Rams are juveniles and I have only had them for 6 weeks. I am uncertain of their sex, but are hoping for a pair. Fingers crossed.

Hi Alan,

Thanks for your expert comment. I might try and reduce the amount of Flourish and Leaf Zone I am dosing.

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I am uncertain of their sex, but are hoping for a pair. Fingers crossed.

First 2 pics appear to be a female.

I might try and reduce the amount of Flourish and Leaf Zone I am dosing.

Unlikely to make a noticeable in the short run difference as crypts are heavy root feeders.

I think the tank is really beautiful. is that flourite, and is that laterite i see speckled through the gravel?

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Wow what a cool choice of fish. My mum likes Rummynose Tetras, and wants me to eventually get some for my tank. I have 3 Golden Bristlenoses, and they bring me much pleasure. Sadly, a few months back my tank suffered a freak columnaris outbreak, and I lost my breeding pair of Khulis. The electric blue rams look cool. I've seen them for sale quite a lot when I've been to Christchurch before. I might have to get some eventually. I love all the healthy plant growth in your tank. I use DIY CO2 too, and it works well. I use nano Pollen Glass cup Diffusers to diffuse the CO2.

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Thanks for your complimentary remark Phoenix. I have always been in awe of your planted aquatic eden. :hail:

I mixed a 560g packet of laterite with the charcoal grit which makes up the top 3cm layer of my substrate. Below that is a 3cm layer of Aquabasis. I don't know if the laterite does anything other than put a dent in your wallet. But if you can believe the back of the box it must be good stuff.

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Laterite is very very high in Iron, so if any thing is is making your plants red/brown - which is a good thing really for crypts it will be that and the aquabasis.

If you aren't getting algae with your current fert dosing regime; I would not change it.

Laterite is nothing short of a miracle if it is used correctly.

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