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Hi, Im new


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Hi all, Ive been browsing this site for a couple of days and want to introduce myself.

I have had fish in the past as well as worked in 2 Pet/fish shops.

Just set up a tank after several years without fish.

I won a 25 litre tank on TM, set it up with a wee filter and some cold water guppies and caught the bug.

Got another tank from TM, (54 litres) really crappy with a few chips and white crunchy stuff all over the glass, which I scraped off with a razor blade. It was really cheap and came with free gravel, filter, plastic plants and ancient fluro light. I transferred my guppies into warm water and they promptly had babies... :D

I picked up some more guppies in Palmy, which appear to have some Endlers traits? and some plants.

But just tonight I have won myself a Juwel Rio 180 :bounce: (TM again 8) )

I want to set up a planted tank, with community fish.

So I will be trawling old threads and asking n00b questions....

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Welcome to the forums.

You do have the bug. one tank, then another, then another :lol: :lol: :lol: we all do it. Very catchie with all the great looking fish around its hard not to want more.

enjoy your time on the forums.

there are never nob questions as we all require information on different breeds. :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

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