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Nifty Fishy T-shirt


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Hey there! A friend of mine does a lot of artwork and has produced a very lovely fishy t-shirt design that shes going to get made for me. Just wondering if anyone else would like to support a local artist and get a nifty shirt in the process! Here it is...


P.S Don't know price yet, but if there is some interest then ill get right on to it!

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I see it as two fish circling around eachother, the bottom one is black and white and spikey looking, viewed top down, the one on the top is sideways with flowing fins and its left eye looking at the viewer.

Could be wrong, though!

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I see that too

I see it as two fish circling around eachother, the bottom one is black and white and spikey looking, viewed top down, the one on the top is sideways with flowing fins and its left eye looking at the viewer.

Could be wrong, though!

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Gah, she's currently away and I cant find plain picture of it. Zev has it though. It's kinda a yin/yang fish, with one swimming into the other. Styled though, so wont really make anatomical sense. Here's some others in the mean time, till I can find the proper pic.


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