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Kunekune in suburbia?


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Hey guys.

Just been looking at some Kunekune piglets on TM and was wondering if we could keep one even though we live in an urban area. According to our local city council bylaws (3.2), we can keep one if it's not annoying anyone or doing any harm, right?


I got that off the local councils website. Means we need to apply for a permit, right?

Thanks :hail:

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and your mother said .............. :lol:

She actually came up with the idea :o

some get big and like to dig up the lawn

most i have seen go to urban homes usually end up being rehomed

Is it not a good idea to rehome them when they get too big? Irresponsible right?

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Is it not a good idea to rehome them when they get too big? Irresponsible right?

:roll: Yeah, kinda like buying a baby turtle and rehoming it when it outgrows the tank....who takes all those big turtles?? Nobody, so they end up at Donna's house in droves...

Why not get a piglet for meat, then you won't have to worry about rehoming it. You can name it 'Sausage.' :o

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:roll: Yeah, kinda like buying a baby turtle and rehoming it when it outgrows the tank....who takes all those big turtles?? Nobody, so they end up at Donna's house in droves...

Why not get a piglet for meat, then you won't have to worry about rehoming it. You can name it 'Sausage.' :o

I'm sure someone would want a free pig? Mmm... bacon :lol:

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i can just imagine you eating bacon at the table crying out your piggy's name :lol:

We used to down in the SI - the kids call them Suzie and Andrew. When we sat down to eat pork or bacon one of them would say 'Is this Andrew?'. Mind you they called one of their pet lambs 'lamb chops'.

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I reckon unless they are free roaming in a paddock, pigs need at least as much care as a dog.

Also pig poo smells more than dog poo and you will have to get rid of it to somewhere.

Would the piglet be an inside pig or outside only? They are very intelligent social animals and need company.

They will turn a confined space outside into a muddy smelly mess very quickly esp. in winter. They will root up your lawn and garden. As they get older they can become territorial. They are very food oriented and can be a nuisance trying to get to food. I.e. In your house, rubbish, neighbours vege garden.

But even with all that I love pigs- they are neat. When our one was little she would walk inside, pull a blanket off the couch and make herself a little nest to sleep on the floor. She loves to run and looks so cute with her ears flapping up and down. She talks a lot, loves a scratch and sits for her food.

She lives out in the paddock now but we are all very attached to her.

I know a couple of people who have had trouble rehoming their pigs to good homes. Ok if you don’t care where they go but if you love them like your dog/cat it’s hard.

My friend’s sister got given a small kunekune sow – her rottie had a go at it and the sow killed the rottie! Gutted it! :o

Just go into it with your eyes wide open! :D

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