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Finally happy with tank layout - Update 22/04/2011


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Well at least I've never EVER used ornaments or plastic plants. And no offence p44, but that tank with all those plastic plants is a rather ghastly sight :o :lol: I'm attempting to redo my tank today. Lots of bogwood, moss, ferns etc. I want it to look like a mossy log in the Amazon river or something..... Anyway, how many Cardinals do you have now? They are sooooo expensive! You must be spending a fortune on them.

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They didn't lay on monday; but laid on tuesday. then they have gone and laid again last night. I'm confuzzled ahahha.

Eggs are still here this morning, so that is a good sign, parents are looking after them well. :D

dowue is visiting today so I have cleaned etc. :lol:

hopefully the tank is looking semi decent :o

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WOW! That's looking fantastic! :hail::hail::hail: That male flag of yours is nicer than mine x a million! :hail::hail: That L. aromatica looks great too :hail: . I want some! My attempt at redoing my tank ended in a miserable failure, when my large piece of bogwood started floating. I thought it was already waterlogged. But oh well... I'll just have to think of another design - I'll ditch the ferns and moss idea (too difficult). It would be nicer if my tank was wider too. It is currently 100x30x50cm. I am actually thinking of selling it, and getting another made that measures 90x40x55cm. I wouldn't fill it to the top though - I was thinking of using the extra 5cm to run filter pipes ect. using suction cups into the exact places that I want them, so when I'm looking at my tank I don't see any unsightly filter pipes running along the back of the tank in the water, and that they are above the water, held by the suction cups, and them enter the water imediantly behind a plant or something. I can then use some sort of edging stuff around the top of the tank to hide the waterline, so I don't see the pipes at all. I also want an Eheim Professional 2 2128 Thermofilter, so I don't have a heater in the way that I have to go to the trouble to hide among something. The reason for all this is that I want a nice open tank, with maybe some straight vallis, and Hygrophila polysperma, and then just have lots of short low maintainance plants. The filter pipes would be too noticeable and hard to hide unless I go to this trouble, which doesn't bother me at all. I would love to have a nice, relaxing tank that I'm proud of.

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your plan sounds nice too

Thanks. I'm planning to stock it with Red-line Rasboras, some of those Furcata Rainbows, and then my kitty tetras and some Tinwini Danios. I want a pair or two of some sort of Apisto so I have a feature fish. Bottom feeders will probably be Zodiac Loaches and Golden Bristlenoses. I might think about Peckoltia when I have the money.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I still think that your tank looks great.

I've decided to go for a rimless setup with metal halide lighting instead of my other plan. I'll just have lots of ferns, moss, anubias ect. So that also means I'll be needing a lot of bogwood. I don't really care what fish I stock the tank with - I'm just more interested in the plants at the moment. I'll also eventually get pressurised CO2. Having all the bogwood means I don't need to worry about hiding filter pipes, because there will be plenty of places to hide them. Most importantly, I'll need a surface skimmer or an overflow if I'm going to have a rimless tank, so I don't have a build up of dust and scum on the surface.

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