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Finally happy with tank layout - Update 22/04/2011


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Going to go pick me some more cardinals now. 100 in total will do.

Going to be an expensive day - Shopping list so far contains:

  • Cardinals
    JBL Balls
    Root Tabs
    Filter Wool
    Maybe more cories if they have brochis or sterbais
    Java Fern (normal or phillipine)

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I bought enough plants to stock it, but bearing in mind that the stems would grow like mad.

Got some more cardinals today, so I think that's a schoal of about 70-80 in there now. I'll refert the gravel tonight with the JBL balls and the root tabs. My crypts are flourishing. :D

I shall update with a pic (or more) tonight.

I wish I could get marble hatchets, but they will jump out. Also, still need Java fern.

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DSLR Pics!



Some of the cardinals - (warmer pic)


Some more- (cooler pic)



Coming up for mossie larvae -


(That is Ech. bartii if any one is wondering).

Now I will just have to wait till the plants grow and I can hide all the equipment again.

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It looks err... interesting?

I miss the big swordplant and how you had the tank jam-packed with plants :tears: It looked so cool. The 'pathway' thing looks funny. Although that is just my silly opinion :facepalm: As long as you're happy with it that's the main thing :)

BTW, I like that particular moss you have on the driftwood :wink::D

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I'm not totally happy with it. At the moment it looks too generic for my liking. Any one can look on the internet and copy a certain style or someone's tank. I look at all those tanks on the internet and they all look exactly the same and it's so boring. So the challenge I now have is to take this orchestrated look and make it my own. Haven't thought of how exactly I am going to do that just yet, but I'm sure ill do something with it.

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