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Project tank final layout


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Right rock rotated anti clockwise slightly, left rock moved back toward the left more. I think the main issue is the similarity in size between the two main stones. You need to have one that is obviously larger and the rest smaller.

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No I like the old one.

I prefer it too

The last scape the focal point seems to be the larger rock. so either you need the swap it with the smaller one, or move it left(with the other rocks) to keep it somewhat to the 1:1.6 ratio :) and odd numbers of rocks look better ;)

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I am not sure I get your point Sam. The angle of the photo doesn't matter to me, it is the angle of the rocks that is what we are looking at. In the original setup the rocks slope toward the focal point (path) thus leading the eye down the path which seems to be the objective.

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Note: The photo of the original layout isn't taken on the same angle/shot as the rest :-?

The lighting has really changed this whole scape... I will try the original layout again when I have the full 72w pumping to see what happens. I'm sure adding a sand foreground will change the scape again so need to consider this, once the sand is in there's no turning back. Time is on my side so I'll keep fiddling and post when I get something interesting.

Thanks everyone for the suggestions :hail::hail:

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I am not sure I get your point Sam. The angle of the photo doesn't matter to me, it is the angle of the rocks that is what we are looking at. In the original setup the rocks slope toward the focal point (path) thus leading the eye down the path which seems to be the objective.

What's not to get? :P Tanks look completely different from different angles. For example, try take a FTS of your tank and then take a photo of only the bottom half of that tank on a different angle. Do they look the same? Just saying...

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surely you don't expect someone to set up a tank based on an entirely unrealistic viewing angle? :roll:

Not at all. I'm just saying it's unfair to give an opinion on one factor (the rocks) when two factors change.

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the change in the position of the camera angles is a relative change. not absolute like the position of the rock. it should not make that big a difference. I still like the initial pics a LOT more.

Just bear in mind' that while it is good to get a feel for what you want the tank to look like, it is not necessary for you to stick with the angle of the rocks. Once the plants go in and colours start matching / clashing you will probably change the position of the stones so its is visually appealing to you. Plants are not the most willing subjects, and tend to grow how they want to, and pruning them is not as easy as they say on the internet haha.

thus my suggestion to plant the tank.

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I agree with Phoenix - I do not think I have ever set up a tank where the hardscape stayed the same from the word go, dang plants have a mind of their own, and the ones you want to grow in a particular place do not co-operate, or grow way too fast for the rest of the tank...

Then everything grows too big and needs a massive trim and the tank looks like the trimmings bucket and there are little annoying floaty bits that you can't get rid of, or the groundcover gets all over the place and takes over or dies off because of the shade from the other plants and just looks yuck, then you get annoyed with it and strip it all out and start again...

Ahh... the joys of aquascaping.

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Really. :roll: When you are discussing the 'focal point' and the 'golden rule' you are referring to the view from the front, dead on, as if it is a canvas painting, it is this way that you can easily measure to be within the proper proportions.

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Got my light working on both tubes again, makes a big difference. Also picked up a canister filter for cheap that will give me 1200L/H. Some might say overkill but I've seen tanks in the UK with more.

Just got back from a trip to Mangawhai Heads for some inspiration and came home with plenty.... :wink:

So now I wait for my regulator and lily pipes to arrive, build a cabinet and hopefully will be shopping for plants in a couple weeks.

Slowly coming together :)

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