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L66 King Tiger Pics


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He/She?? came out today to eat his favourite tablet, so I got some pics while I could.

Flatfish, please feel free to use any pics that you need. These pics are a lot better than what I have sent you before.

I have 2 L66's, this one has the best pattern.








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Phoenix - what I want to know is how come the markings on your fish are always so clear. Mine are never as well defined as yours :(

I dunno :lol: luck maybe?

I have another L66 who's patterns are no where as clear or well defined as this one. what i need now is females :D

this is the not so clear one.


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Pic 3 is the only one I would have considered entering in the competition. maybe I can enter something else in the future, but I don't really like entering pics in the comp that people have all ready seen.

Thats the way I think too therefore I have only entered one photo ever. :oops:

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