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My big malawi tank project


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Hi all,

I thought I'd start a topic to document a project that I'm part way through. It will also give me a good place to ask all my dumb questions and for some constructive feedback.

My plan is to put a large fish tank in my cafe, something around 2300 x 600 x 600 (nominally 828 litres). The plan is to have it projecting out from the wall, with bar style seating on three sides.


In order to stop people on opposite sides of the tank looking at each other I have been working on a carved poly feature that will run the length of the tank, in the middle. It has been carved with holes of various sizes running through diagonally, allowing fish to swim from one side to the other.

Here is an early work-in-progress photo:



It will be a malawi cichlid tank one way or another. A couple of options I am considering is:

1/ electric yellow and demasonis

2/ Male haps and peacocks

Could I potentially do a combination there-of?

Let me know what you think of my project plans ie feasibility, concerns, how much of a feature you would think it is etc

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putting something like that in the centre you may have issues with flow or the waste may not get sucked out & may settle around the "centre ground". If you have two filters you could set one up each side of the divider & then there's flow required around heaters etc. i would make cutouts along the bottom so it's less of a divider. i like you idea & hope you can get it working well, you could add a hood for lights etc & to stop people feeding the fish.

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looks great so far. but where are the lights.

where are the filter pipes?

Obviously there will be lights of some kind... I'm just not sure if ill build into a canopy, sit simply on top or suspend from the ceiling. Plus I couldnt be bothered trying to draw them in sketch up :)

As far as filtration goes, I was thinking of putting a sump underneath the main tank. Id imagine the inlet would be at one end of the tank, the outlet at the other creating a flow down the tank. The sump would also include the heaters to hide them.

Would a large cannister filter, such as a fx5 also be worth considering?

As for access, there will be doors built into the base cabinet. The tables will not be 'built in' as I need to be able to remove them to get better access to the tank for maintenance. I'd like to be able to 'lock' and 'unlock' the tables together - the exact mechanism I'm unsure of at the mo!

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I like the idea as a whole.

My first point would that with the poly structure you have turned the tank into two long tanks that are effectively only 25cm wide if the poly is 100mm thick.

Seems a shame to limit the open water space that much. I know the reasons for it but wouldn't a more broken reef structure do similar.

This would also open up areas of the tank which might also make more harmonious feel. If you make such defined spaces then by definition the fight for ownership will be more defined.

I also think clusters might have more natural look.

I once decided to line rocks along back wall of tank with open space in front and all I did was make one space and the tank was never so out of balance as it was then.

As for layout- would you have room to have the tank as a divider of two booths- would sort out people looking at each other if that is really a problem.

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a couple cheap ebay waver makers + suspended lighting = no problem with flow or aeration and nice light ripples across the substrate. the hood needs not have a top on it just high enough so that people cant get at it with lockable access for you just remeber you want to be able to stick your hand in any holes just in case you have to recover a sick fish at some point

but so far looking good good to see a big project like this

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My first point would that with the poly structure you have turned the tank into two long tanks that are effectively only 25cm wide if the poly is 100mm thick.

I guess I could make the tank 80cm wide, which really would create more free swim space on either side. I cant imagine it would cost that much more either. Only thing the tank capacity is at 1104 litres at that point! biiiig tank.

As for layout- would you have room to have the tank as a divider of two booths- would sort out people looking at each other if that is really a problem.

Another creative thought... but in that arrangement no one is really looking at it. If im going to do this, I want to make it a real focal point out of it and maximise the number of people who can concurrently enjoy it.

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a couple cheap ebay waver makers + suspended lighting = no problem with flow or aeration and nice light ripples across the substrate. the hood needs not have a top on it just high enough so that people cant get at it with lockable access for you just remeber you want to be able to stick your hand in any holes just in case you have to recover a sick fish at some point

but so far looking good good to see a big project like this

So being a fellow chcher does that mean you are willing to help out a little with the design and implementation :D Could be some free coffee and breakfast in it for ya! haha

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I guess I could make the tank 80cm wide, which really would create more free swim space on either side. I cant imagine it would cost that much more either. Only thing the tank capacity is at 1104 litres at that point! biiiig tank.

The big tank thing shouldn't be a problem, unless you're on a wooden floor? And you might be surprised in the extra cost for the width as it may mean goin up a thickness in glass. Fully worth it IMO, wide tanks look awesome!

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It is all looking good, I would be a bit iffy about the entire centre being divided off but you may be able to use this to put different types of fish in each side sharing the same water if you wanted to go that way?

If you wanted to keep all the same kinds of fish I think it would be cool to make like a mountain range through the middle of the tank with maybe a few of them going really high or something like that but the majority of them having gaps on top?

As for stocking you could do dems/yellows and one colony or multiple male peacocks.. Or haps you do have to watch the haps with the smaller fish as they do get big, it would however take years before they are big enough to eat dems etc..

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I'm not sure if the pictures convey the 'divider' properly. Its not a solid wall as I modelled it in sketch-up, but it has many holes from one side to teh other. The bottom does have a number of holes cut through it, but I was hesitant cutting any more as I have to securely silicone the feature to the bottom of the tank and not risk it coming loose. They are often cut through diagonally, rather than directly through. This probably doesnt show up very well in the picture.

The plan is the the poly feature will not stretch right from one end ot the other, but have about 7-10cm gap between the ends and the glass.

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