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Growing live food for African Cichlids!


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...fresh and saltwater shrimp can be collected and fed as well

Yeah, tell me about it. This last week I thought I would go try to collect some mysis shrimp at the estuary... ended up barefoot and up to my thighs in mud..........but at least I left with a bucket of live food for my fishes! :roll:

Note to self: perfect skills before attempting such a task again.

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You can get the freshwater shrimp at Eskdale Park - just take a net and swish it around under plants on the water's edge.

Mind you, after the floods of late, the weeds may not be there anymore :-?

I'm after some in Auckland, not as fish food though. No luck so far :( How big do these guys get?

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  • 1 month later...
arent african cichlids mostly vegetarian?

maybe a garden patch would be more suited 8)


no really, i thought they were vege eaters?

thats what david attenborough said on EARTH BLUE RAY:D

man thats an awesome documentary

some are & some aren't, we tend to feed mostly vege as the vege eaters can easily get bloat with meaty foods.

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Yeah alot of them are but you can guarantee that all africans regardless of what they normally eat will munch down any fish that will fit in their mouths and they can catch :)

I feed mine white worms occasionally and used to go and catch those shrimp when I lived in Auckland and knew where to get them from.. But live/meaty foods are fed to mine in moderation most of the time they get standard commercial fish food.

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My bigger haps having been chowing down on live crickets of late.

They also get slaters regularly.

I tend to feed them only as treats to my africans as it is mixed tank, but a few at a time and the eyebiters, copas and nimbo get them before the peacocks, labs etc even know whats happening.

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