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zebra I,D, please?


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not entirely correct firenzenz

the whiskers do help and the oak and peat are an essential part of its diet

but during winter it needs a heater to prevent death from over exposure when it is laying in the gutter as ACDCs ex lead singer would testify if he could

during the warmer months it can lay in the gutter as long a it likes

remember it is a temperate species not temperance :wink:

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always time for more harder and longer lasting wood in my opinon ... :o ....but I also prefer less temprence and more juniper flavouring.

That or burnt carmel mon

I struggle with the temperate thing cause I come from the west coast.

It is the last place on middle earth that temperate plants grow so does that mean if I move home that this zebra and my jags and lionheads will be ok in an outside enclosure (was thinking a spare header tank I have from the plantation mon) or will I need to follow elvis's example ( :hail: ) and create a jungle room ( george george) This is not to much of a problem as if I have to do this I will just cut a hole in the side of the house

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Ahhh is that it LA,

I have always wondered as living in a disused mine makes it hard to have those besides if I put windows in will my banjo not rust up will i not get arthritis in my 6th and 7th banjo fingers or will the zebra droppings help keep my hands warm

Do you think teh high juniper content in the water and the herbal smoke will harm these fish or do youthink the hydro ponics water will be ok for them as well it is a tropical 20 degress and in the summer a cooler 26 degrees

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methinks i am being led down a garden path to view some herbaceous vegetation

i would be more worried about the dust from said mine shaft than the rusty bits when strumming your banjo

i wonder if generations of living in the mine shaft has led to the congenital physical anomaly of polydactylism you are suffering, mind you though it must help when cleaning out your 8 nostrils

i also feel the combination of the juniper and smoke has led you to place your temperature reading device upside down

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Oh maybe that is it

I shall ask mum auntie or uncle bro

May I also ask if you have had any luck in breeding those zebra thingies and if so what will you be selling the offspring as. I only ask because we were debating the benifits of line breeding just yesterday. (insert lines from deliverence here, boy)

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:D david

if i make the zebra embarassed and the front half goes red i could stick the name Quagga quagga rubescens on it and sell for an inflated price

it wouldn't matter that the nominate species is exstinked as i could sell it to the person who bruyed the Dodos off me last weak

chirpinginsectman is telling porkies as he doesn't have a sister

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better to be stripe breeding than breeding on the spot

as for breeding pairs you leave my sister out of this.

you will upset the baby

I was not hoping for beating around the busch more a busch beating. hard to get good help it seems when you insist on breading wifedus blacknblueye.

Does this species require special feeding and can i as previously asked place this fish in a small planted tank

also will john Key charge me a fart tax on this speices like he wants to on my cow fish?

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might not have a sister but a blister,

though the quack gave me some ointment.

strange thing for a duck to be carrying around.

Just don't leave the duck there,

put it on the swing,

It'll have much more fun!

I might have been a hill billy, or a billy hill...

or a benny hill or a mound goat??

Planted tank is fine, though they have been known to nibble the tops of the plants.

A group of 100 or more is recommended for maximum effect and taxability for the government.

Though the trophyus can also be sold on dead specimens, the usual price is a few years in jail for selling outside of NZ. though you could try the black market, but they only want the black sections, and the white market wont take the rest....

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