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New Planted Tank!


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I've been pretty lazy and haven't bought any more plants, but I should cos it needs more variety. I ended up getting a group of 7 threadfin rainbows (3m 4f) and they are a very cool fish, look awesome when they are displaying but sooo hard to get a good photo of. There's 4 baby apisto trifasciata in here that are over 1cm now and are trying to take on their mum in displays but get wasted.

Staghorn algae has pretty much all gone but has been replaced with black algae. I want it gone but don't really want to deal with flourish again as I had a few fish die last time I used it to get rid of this stuff.

Here's a pic I just took then, anyone care to guess what the brown thing is above the tank?


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Thanks. I set this tank up just before Christmas so a couple of months. I wrapped the moss around the branches and then tied it up with cotton, works a treat and when the moss grows you can't see the cotton anymore. Hmm not sure about the brown and horrible, just got to make sure you have the right conditions I guess...all about the balance, which I am yet to find :-?

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Looking good. Nice to see that hairgrass, moss and wendtii have taken off. I have a few odd bits that I need to weed out - let me know what you want and I might have it. Do you trim that moss at all? Mine just grows out of control and I end up pulling it off instead of trimming to avoid the mess. :roll:

BTW, you know who to contact when you want to move those trifasciata. :wink:

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Yea they're doing well, I've had to rip so many leaves off that sword plant from algae it's a real shame, it would look nice if it still had all of them. Hmm, I need another 1 or 2 species of stem plant for the back (I'm quite picky though :oops: , and definitely keen for balansae if you have some to sell (and/or barclaya if you have a secret stash somewhere, I won't tell :lol: ) I haven't had to trim the moss yet, but I will probably use the same technique.

I have a good list going of who to contact for trifasciata, hopefully I can get a new tank this weekend for them!

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  • 5 weeks later...

Took some photo's today:




It's a shame he wasn't in focus here, they look amazing when they display

Finally, I bought a shampoo bottle holder that you stick in the shower and put some sand in it and chucked a few stem plants in to provide a bit of shade for the tank. They are growing fast but the light is clearly a bit too intense for them as many of the leaves are going black. I'll just leave it be and see how it goes.


Just need one more plant and the tank will be complete :D

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  • 1 month later...

New additions today, how could I resist! They are mosquito rasbora, man they are tiny. Could be an excuse to get more :D


Also 5 panda cories.

I bought another 3 oto's a week ago but all 3 did the disappearing act within 2 days :-?

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