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Juwel Rio 400 Tank setup.


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151 x 51 x 66 cm

Approx. 450L


Eheim Pro3e 2078 (1850 LPH)

Blue Planet UView Aquarium Purifier 24 watt (430LPH)


Jager 300watt



Flourish Excel


2x 1200mm 54watt T5 Juwel Day 9000K

2x 1200mm 54watt T5 Juwel Nature 4100K

Lights are on 12hrs a day.

Current stocking:

4x Otocinclus

10x Neon Tetra

6x Corydoras Sterbai

2x Blue Rams

17th December just after initial planting:


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Looks excellent! So much fun setting up a new tank, eh? :lol:

Don't know what your plans are (and I am certainly no plant expert :roll: ), but I have found that when setting up a planted tank that it is helpful to wait until the plants have time to settle in and begin growing before you add too much light or any added nutrients. If the plants aren't growing yet, they won't be utilising the nutrients (fertilisers, fish waste, etc.) so the algae will be able to flourish with all the excess nutrients and light. It doesn't take long though before they start taking hold.

Flourish excel helps with preventing some algae. Also, brown algae can be helped a lot by temporarily reducing the photo period and adding plenty of surface agitation.


Have fun!!!! :bounce:

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you're one of those plant- grower uppers aren't you? :lol:

Tank looks great, will be even better in a couple of months.

Haha yeah I got my plants from a guy in Christchurch off trademe "Waterplantz". Got 75 stems atleast 20 diff variaties for $30. He put them in bags according to their height (tall, med, short) and gave me a list of everything that he gave me. I have no real idea what is what so just went off his bag labels. Will be interesting to see what it looks like in a few months for sure!

Thanks for the advice Jenniferh, I think I will put a few Otto's in at the end of the week will probably be able to gorge themselves by then.

There aren't even any fish in it yet and I like watching it :P haha.

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There is no mature media. I've had 3 ottos in my 60L for about a year now, although it was cycled when I added them. Only problem I've ever had with them is that one of them kept getting stuck in things, first it got stuck in the cap on the bottom of a cheap heater (to stop it smacking against the glass) I saved it from that fortunately. Unfortunately I lost one of the three otto's a couple days ago, was looking for them and eventually found the third, dead, stuck in a small hole on the underside of a piece of driftwood I bet it was the same one :(.

Surely 2 ottos in a 450L body of water wouldn't cause an ammonia spike? Maybe I'll find some other random fish to throw in there. Thanks for the heads up.

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Like rams, ottos require a mature tank that has stable water conditions, if the tank has not cycled yet, it will get spikes of ammonia and nitrate no matter how big the tank is and small the fish are. Neons are no good for cycling either, prone to whitespot and dropping dead for no apparent reason.

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  • 4 weeks later...
ahem. time for an update I think.

I was going to post some on Sunday seeing that is a full month... but... I just picked up my old mans camera (as mine ain't to hot) and I don't think I can wait so I think tomorrow at around 10am you'll see some pics :wink: (lights come on at 9.30 :P). Fair bit of growth.

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  • 1 month later...

The stargrass has really filled out, and the algae growing on the large piece of driftwood gives it a good natural look I think. I need the background plants to fill out some more, but I think time will fix that.

Oh and js on the forums here got me a nice big piece of black card to put on the back awhile go, makes a big improvement I think!

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