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Thai stream/Khuli loach Biotope (with Fish & pics)


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This is where I am at so far :D



Its a 60x30x50(H) tank which is kind of the wrong shape for a biotope like this but :P

Substrate: A mix of sand, daltons(imagine it's mud...) and leaf litter as a plant layer then a layer of sand over top.

Filteration: EDIT:the other filter was leaking, so I have now got a Ehiem 2042 HOB filter rated at 760LPH, creates lots of surface flow

Lighting: 2x 15w T8 bulbs

Heater: 100w aquaone thing


Behind the rock barrier there will be H. polysperma, then Crypt Wendtii on/ surrounding the hill on the right and a misc crypt planted everywhere else (hopefully it is a smaller variety) I also plant to stick a few peices of wood in/ around that crypt with a bit of leaf litter

I will then be stocking it with around 11 zebra danios as dither fish and 7 khuli loaches

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The awesome bits of wood :D


now all I need is a khuli loach sitting on there and I get an awesome pic :D


and the rock barrier with H. polysperma

One thing I have changed is the filter, the cansiter broke (after 10 years of life :roll: ) so i'm now using a ehiem HOB filter that came from a closing down pet shop

the tank also looks pink because I need a 6500k bulb instead of two pink ones... hehe

I don't think I will be sticking Khuli loaches in there for a while, seeing as the sand is so light and I don't want to be replanting all the crypts every day......

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I don't think I will be sticking Khuli loaches in there for a while, seeing as the sand is so light and I don't want to be replanting all the crypts every day......

Ha, that's what I thought when I looked at it!

Should be good once it has all grown out a bit.

What are you going to use for leaf litter?

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Ha, that's what I thought when I looked at it!

Should be good once it has all grown out a bit.

What are you going to use for leaf litter?

Oak leaves, I have a plastic bag full of them :D, I will stick them in after the crypts have grown in a bit more though

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I was originally going to swap the 10 harlequins for some credit at the LPS then buy the danios but I wasn't allowed to :(



some of them (ole 1 eye isn't there lol)


there is now a honey gourami in there, (and a small fighter for now) he goes a chocolate colour when he's happy and I diddn't want to get rid of him

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ooh interesting project! :) I love the biotope concept.

Why is the leaf litter *under* the sand?

I got some more on top :D, I was reading though one of the crypt blogs as well and it showed quite a few pics of the substrate they were growing in with leaves mixed though it so I thought it might be providing something for them....

The other leaves I am not going to stick in there until the crypts grow in some more

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  • 3 weeks later...
How did the pictures go????

there was no battery for the good camera :oops: so I couldn't get them on to my lappy and now the camera is on the way to hastings for a week for some cricket thing :oops: :oops: :oops:

I could get some point and click ones though? not sure if they will come out too good....

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Try some puffers they'd look good and are fun to watch, if you can get some maybe some scarlet badis, or maybe some sparkling gouramis they look good although every time ive kept gouramis they have destroyed each other and then died themselves (dwarfs only).

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I have a male honey gourami in there at the moment, hes a nice chocolate colour lol don't really want to do puffers as then I would need snails :lol: the whole point of this tank was to create a habitat for Khulis, though the fine sand and the eventual crypt layer and shade from C. wendtii

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