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I need to buy a car (circa palmy)


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Yep, the time has come to sell my motorbike and buy a car so I can learn to drive :cry: / :D

(yes, I am 30 and haven't learned to drive...)

In case anyone is selling (or knows someone that is selling) I am after:



economical to run/repair

tidy condition and reliable

under $2500

Something like a toyota corolla or honda civic, though open to anything that fits the above.

I have knowledgable friends in Wellington or Wanganui that I trust to look over one for me, and elsewhere may be do-able.

Feel free to email me with details if you have something that might fit.


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i have to recomend ford laser hatchbacks, cause i have one lol

its only 1200cc = really cheap to run

the hatchback boot is heaps bigger than most, which is why i chose it, plenty of space for dogs and bags and stuff. Mine was $1500, they're pretty cheap. And manual.

Backseats fold down for more space, once put 4ft and 3ft tanks plus my two giant dogs in with the back seats down :)

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toyota hilux!!!!

get a real crud old one, and it will never ever die.

not even if you strap it to the top of a building and then dynamite it

or tie it to a pier with the highest tidal movement, even if its ropes come undone and gets lost at sea it will still go!!!

should be able to find an old laser/familia/civic hatch etc there are plenty around

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The only problem with the older hilux's is the price has been pushed up alot due to all the boy racers buying them to sack out on big rims they are very overpriced for what they are..

Go with a toyota hatchback corolla or starlet or maybe ford lazer those things just seem to keep on going, I had a TX3 that had 365k's on it with no issues..

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whoops, just bought one! (mostly).

Nissan pulsar, '92, white (hmmm could do livingart's cool zebra-stripe trick!)

Take possession on tuesday, subject to their flatmate not crashing it on the way to welly on the weekend...! (hence 'mostly' bought a car)

A mechanic friend had a good look over and was really happy with the condition, all he found needed is to replace the radiator hose (not urgent).

I contacted them an hours ago to take a look!

Now I have to learn to DRIVE!! :o

Thanks for all the suggestions here :)

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