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culcium sand is dangerous!!!! dont buy it!!

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Have you seen the Safety Data sheet for Vitamin C???

theres also a saftey data sheet for water... im shure that theres instructions in it that if it gets splashed in you eyes you are to wash your eye with copious amounts of water...

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most powders aren't good to breathe in

I am supposed to wear a dust mask when I clean my pigeon loft because pigeon keepers often come down with an asbestosis-like thing from the feather dust. I've met someone with it and its nasty

dusty situations = use a dust mask

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was that for selling something i don't have in my possession :D

or maybe i should have added that that was a joke for people who thought there actually are dust maks for lizards :D

or for making a joke in a serious topic :D

should i have made that joke in the off topic forum :wink:

i did use an emoticon to try and delineate from a serious offer

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Breathing any dust is not good for you or your lizard.

Lizards need calcium and it is usually in the form of calcium carbonate.

Too much of anything is not good for you or your lizard.

I think it is just part of the general debate around keeping lizards like should they be kept on sand (they live in the desert and there is not much turf let alone astroturf there) and I would suspect there are lizards living happily in areas of marble, chalk and other forms of calcium carbonate.

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