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Poropanchax normani Biotope build


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I have stripped down my 400mm cube tank because it had become overgrown with some slimy floaty green algae and Utricularia.

Ask Jim r, he saw it looked like some surreal haunted wonderland, anyway, I digress.

I am going to set this up as a Niger river biotope for my normani.

Ideal parameters are:

Ph: 6.9 - 7.2

dH: 3 - 8

temp: 24 - 27 deg C

Slight water movement and muted lighting.

Plants will be:

Foreground - Eleocharis acicularis

Midground on driftwood - Bolbitis heudelotii, Anubias barteri var. nana and Anubias barteri var. nana 'Petite'

Background - Vallisneria - if I can find it in the back of my com tank


JBL AquaBasis

Small grey gravel

The pics:


Front substrate


Side view of substrate


Existing Fluval 104 and driftwood ticking over in my killie sump


The Chief Building Inspector - had to put the light back on overnight incase she used it for a litter box!

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My least favourite part of tank setup - arranging the driftwood, this way?


That way?


Arrgh, I give up...

The bit of perspex it to go into the substrate to divide the tank in an effort not to let the Val take over the whole tank.


Top view with perspex in the substrate


Filling the tank from the sump with the Fluval 104, plastic bag is to stop the water digging the substrate up.

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Filling up - sorry, not intermediate shots of me trying to arrange the plants, wet paws and cameras do not mix...


Full tank front shot


Close up


The Building Inspector happy now that her bed is back up and on top of the nice warm light - averages 28deg in there.

No fish yet, will let it settle temp wise first.

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During the winter she can stay in there all day, go have something to eat, go back in the evening. She will turn up on our bed after the lights have been off for about an hour because it is getting cold!

Hopefully the val will block some of the light at the back of the tank if the normani don't like the 70w Metal Halide.

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The plant on the left is Anubias barteri var. nana

Quite slow growing and mine usually end up covered in algae, either the green spot or the hairy one that you can't scrape off without damaging the leaves.

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  • 2 months later...

Ok, updated pic.


The Bolbitis heudelotii decided to have a sulk and died back, it has been shifted under the left hand bit of driftwood and is starting to sprout some new leaves.

Eleocharis acicularis is slowly spreading around.

The moss is not strictly the right stuff for the biotope, but the fish gotta have somewhere to get up to mischief in :wink:

There are a squillion snails that will have to be moved, but helped with keeping the various stages of algae growth managable, there is still one sort of algae in there, and I should have been taking pics of the others as they came and went just to show you all that a tank with this sort of lighting just doesn't go from setup to looking neat and tidy overnight.

You can try and count the little blue eyes if you like, there are six adults and more than double that number of fry.

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Good work no the tank. The Drift wood adds some interesting foci points. Can i ask you about the redness in the Val? Iron? Light? Nice effect though.

I suspect it is too much light, I will have to check the iron levels, as I do not think there is enough for the amount of light there is.

The cat is spoilt - this is what happens when you take your husband to the LPS to look at fish - you end up with a cat tent!

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