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my new exoterra yay!


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A lfs closed near here and I got their lightly used 30 x 30 x 45 exoterra for $50. I know! :bounce:

I dismantled a tabletop fountain from Bunnings ($17.88 on special) and attached extra hose to make a waterfall (more of a trickle really - you can even see the drops in some of the photos) and light (light is part of the fountain)

My whistlies and minnows are loving the upgrade, except for one very stupid whistly who somehow got confused and drowned. Right by a stone. Duh!





Wheeee happy! :D

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Where'd you get your whistlies from? How big will they grow?

Looking good BTW

I got them as taddies from my lfs Paws and Claws in Upper Hutt and they can get about 5cm long max. Pretty small! They are almost a year old, the taddies turn up from about August onward is my understanding. You look for taddies with the dark marking around the eye as they are turning to be sure you have the right ones

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Love it bro, keep it up :hail::hail: . I myself am in the process of creating a 45 x 45 x 60 exo terra for some whistlers but it would be nowhere as good as yours :D . I will try post a few pics when I am finished.

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Love it bro, keep it up :hail::hail: . I myself am in the process of creating a 45 x 45 x 60 exo terra for some whistlers but it would be nowhere as good as yours :D . I will try post a few pics when I am finished.

cheers phrog. I'm more of a bro-ette than a bro but I'll take what I can get :)

If you want any tips I'm happy to help if you pm or something. The waterfall setup is real simple, I just took that cheap indoor fountain pump set and put extra tube on it, ran the tube under and behind and over the rockwork and Bob's your uncle. The head on the fountain is 50cm so it needed no work at all. Then I put a filter sponge in front of the intake and surrounded it with rocks. You get quite a lot of nutrient uptake from all the plants so no other filter needed. Or that was my experience in their previous tank.

I'm thinking of putting some height into the scenery with a creeping fig (Ficus pumila) and some twigs. All the plants are baby houseplants from the red shed so I probably spent less than $80 for everything.

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You could get an ultrasonic fog emitter!

then I wouldn't be able to see the froggies! :lol:

another one tried to drown itself today. So weird. It was underwater in the deepest part going :bounce: and didn't seem to realise it could just swim over to the rock ramp, or climb up a rock or wall. Had to scoop it out and put it on a plant as it was getting exhausted! Stoopid stoopid frog :roll:

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Well if u set the emitter deeper in the water, then less fog will be produced so that there is only some cross the water (not a thick layer) and it doesn't go up onto the land.

Poor silly little frogs! Maybe you can put some floating plants or lily pads for them to sit on?

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Check condition of the water, too cold, too hot, too acidic. I read that it can have a potentially bad effect on the frogs/animals even if the water is in better condition than to start with. I personally use rainwater that I store in a barrel and leave it for 30 to 60 mins to bring to room temperature. But hey, try whatever works :D

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i have heard of this happening before mine did it too (no longer have them :cry: ) i know people that have just a small container of water in the tank so they are less likely to drown. my sourthern bells reguarly spend a long time underwater with no ill effects, perhaps whistlers arent built to do this? something to look into could be a false bottom http://www.amphibiancare.com/frogs/arti ... ottom.html will keep them moist but not let them drown

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