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Prayers and positive vibes thread for my Calypso

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My dear little Calypso has been diagnosed with an aggressive melanoma in his eye. Has anyone ever heard of or know of any other bearded dragon that has had this before. He has only just turned nine months old. He has to have his eye removed, and if he survives that, they will send it off for testing to see if the cancer has spread. I found this out last Thursday. I love my little dragon with all my heart and it all feels very unreal. I would appreciate hearing from anyone who may be able to offer any advice. And i would really appreciate special prayers and positive vibes for my beloved little dragon. I will keep you posted on what happens with my Calypso, and thank you to everyone who is able to help in this way.

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sorry to hear about this.More to the point what sort of UV lights are you using?ever had them tested(me neither)I do remember hothouse was selling some that had to be recalled because of too much uv and burning or something??I wonder if this could be something that we all should think about?

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My UV lighting is Reptistar. 18W/6500K. He has 4 (2 doubles) in his five foot home. That is the brand that was put in by the maker of the lid for Calypso's terrarium. Has anybody ever heard bad feedback about them. The maker of the lid also has bearded dragons.

Thanks for the kind words and prayers.

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the tubes are 2 ft each so that would be equal to two four foot lights. Hope it's got nothing to do with too much lighting because in his small terrarium the lighting wasn't very good, and when he upgraded i got the lid maker to put two doubles in to compensate for missing out on good lighting for so long.

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Sorry to hear about Calypso. I hope all goes well.

Symptoms with bad UV lighting are:

Reptiles hiding a lot as the UV is too strong, eyes (both) closed a lot and swollen, going off their diet, excessive shedding which looks like the new skin underneath is burnt - as in sun burnt.

We take a lot for granted with specific lighting and believe what is stated on the packaging.

The UV lighting was the only product ever that we rushed on to the market without extensive testing believing that since it was a brand already selling in Australia that it would be all good. The new Lucky Reptile UVB/UVA Compact bulbs that we distribute have been professionally tested for us in the UK as well as by myself for the last 12 months.

If anyone is using a REPTAPET UVB/UVA TUBE please replace it immediately. They have the potential to harm your Reptile. Please note that RETAPET UVB/UVA COMPACTS are fine to use. We also had these tested in the UK.

After seeing the results of many UVB/UVA lights from around world tested, I personally would never use anything made in China as the inconsistencies between batches and the poor glass / phosphor ratios lead to lethal levels UVB being emitted.

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Hey everyone, Calypso had his operation this morning. The Vet had trouble stopping the bleeding, but he came through the operation and is now tucked up in an incubator at his hospital. It will take about a week before the results come through. I feel so unsettled, one moment i think maybe he will be okay, next moment i start imagining hearing the worst. But for now ill just look forward to having him home. Please keep up the positive vibes and prayers for my little man. I appreciate it more than anything. Thank you. The people on this site are awesome.

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