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Guppy food

jim r

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well my guppies are a bit spoilt I guess... they get tropical flakes in the morning and in the evening they get different things each night... decaps brine shrimp, (Their FAV!), dried blood worms (their 2nd Fav), dried Tubifex, shrimp pellets and sinking tabs(which they always steal some from the bottom dwellers) , tropical granules, and a deshelled pea once a week, plus they always nibbles at the other veges for the Bristlnose.. pumpkin is popular.

I figure if I keep their diet varied they will be fine, though one guppy ahs decided the tropical flakes arn't good enough for him anymore and he waits for the eveing meal! Whilst another guppy eats everything in sight.

They get live food in the form of fry but in summer I will be growing mozzie larvae for my fishies.

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When I was breeding livebearers I made a mix of oxe heart, vegetables and porridge ground up finely and cooked like a steam pudding then stored in the freezer. I had them in bare tanks and added a lump each day and any left was removed. With a pilot light they get to graze 24/7.

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Daily food morning and night is mixture of VitaPet goldfish flake and Tetramin crisps. Once or twice a week they get a mix of Aquarian cichlid pellets and peas. And at present I'm doing brine shrimp for the baby angels so they get some of that each day too. I always soak the cichlid pellets before feeding them (even to the angels) and for the peas I soak them to thaw, then squash and feed just the inside. My understanding is that wild guppies eat about 40% algae so plant matter is an important part of a balanced diet.

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mine get flake (wardleys), bloodworms, beef heart (grated), shrimp, whitebait, and last night they did some serious damage to half a zucchini that was meant for the bristlenoses :lol:

i read that guppies diet do include greens as well so normally people would boil peas and deshell it before giving it to their guppies. probably why they went after the zucchini since your diet seems to be mainly meat.

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  • 1 month later...

Mine eat _everything_, lol. Basically, the bigger the variety you can provide for them, the better, I would guess. Mine eat from about 6 different dried flake/granulated foods which are supplemented a couple of times a week with frozen food (brine shrimp, Livebearer Tucker [which is awesome - it contains lots of meat & veg & they adore it]), greens (cucumber/zucchini/peas) and more rarely in winter, daphnia or microworms. :)

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