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Pregnant People (sex of your baby)


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Hi all as most pregnant ladies have seen there is now a test that tells you the sex of your baby, well i did some research on how this works, so why pay the $135 to get one, when most if not all fish people have what is needed at home.

my partner is pregnant and we are getting out 20 week scan soon to find out what we r having, but throught we would put this to the test, and then check it against the scan.

so for all you pregnant fish keepers out there get a pH test kit and test you Pee and if you hav acid = girl (orange yellow) and if your alkine = boy (green/blue)

If you get the result girl your most likely having a girl. but theres still 20-30% which it may be the wrong result.

for best results only drink water for the day before you test you pee as if you drink heaps of coke your pee will be acidic.

if your going to have a sexing scan as well its only something fun to what result you get. but as with every thing its not 100%

i got my partner to do it last night and we got a boy result, so now we r waiting 3 more weeks till we get a scan will get back to you then to see if it was right.

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Wow, now thats interesting, never heard of it before :roll

Good Luck with the scan, will be interesting to see what the outcome will be :D

Is this your first??

I had 4 Boys in 5 years so busy busy, oldest is turning 21 next month, really cant believe 21yrs has past, bit frightening really :roll: youngest is 16, and they're all still at home, cant seem to get rid of them, I must be doing something right. :lol:

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hmm.... I am not great with maths but....

Simply guessing has a 50:50 chance of being right/wrong anyway.

This test claims a 20-30% chance of the answer being wrong.

Looks to me like it actually tells you nothing.

Any number of things in the mother's diet could affect this.

A urinary tract infection would also indicate one sex or t'other, I can't remember which.

And it seems highly unlikely that the sex of the baby would be able to change something about the mother like that. About as believable as saying acid urine means the baby will have brown eyes.

Of course wit ha 50:50 chance, the website will be teeming with people saying how it was accurate. (the scans all said I was a boy, but the wedding-ring pendulum said I was a girl - the pendulum must be more accurate! :roll: )

Good thing you didn't pay the $135. Of course there is no harm in a little fun.

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Hi all as most pregnant ladies have seen there is now a test that tells you the sex of your baby, well i did some research on how this works, so why pay the $135 to get one, when most if not all fish people have what is needed at home.

my partner is pregnant and we are getting out 20 week scan soon to find out what we r having, but throught we would put this to the test, and then check it against the scan.

so for all you pregnant fish keepers out there get a pH test kit and test you Pee and if you hav acid = girl (orange yellow) and if your alkine = boy (green/blue)

If you get the result girl your most likely having a girl. but theres still 20-30% which it may be the wrong result.

for best results only drink water for the day before you test you pee as if you drink heaps of coke your pee will be acidic.

if your going to have a sexing scan as well its only something fun to what result you get. but as with every thing its not 100%

i got my partner to do it last night and we got a boy result, so now we r waiting 3 more weeks till we get a scan will get back to you then to see if it was right.

It's too bad noone has developed some kind of device that can be used to see inside the human body and examine the parasite growing inside and then reliably tell you what the gender is....

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I remember vaguely an article in Readers' Digest many years ago on how to help get the gender you wanted when trying to get pregnant. I would like to say it worked but since I had a 50/50 chance of the same result anyway (and didn't have further kids to test more exstensively) I can't confirm definitely but it was to do with eating acidic or alkaline foods too depending on which sex you wanted. There was a lot more involved too like frequency and timing.

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isn't it something to do with it being more productive in times of plenty to have girl babies to pass on your genes, and when there's not much food to have boys, or the other way round? i don't remember.

Point being certain levels of nutrients in the blood, and stress levels etc, are supposed to affect which sex baby a woman can carry, so that her genes have the best chance of being passed on to grandchildren.

There's some smarter biology people here who can probably explain it better.

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isn't it something to do with it being more productive in times of plenty to have girl babies to pass on your genes, and when there's not much food to have boys, or the other way round? i don't remember.

Point being certain levels of nutrients in the blood, and stress levels etc, are supposed to affect which sex baby a woman can carry, so that her genes have the best chance of being passed on to grandchildren.

There's some smarter biology people here who can probably explain it better.

well spoken :wink: that's why they were failing with black (or was it white?) rhino conservation - enriched feeding meant an abundance in male rhinos born which isn't much help to conservation :roll: and male babies need a higher nutrient while in the womb - something crazy like 90% of male foetuses spontaneously abort without women even knowing they were pregnant

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Also the vast majority of pregnancies are spontaneously aborted without the woman ever knowing she was pregnant.

And most pregnancies started as twins (fraternal I think).

There are more boys than girls conceived, but boys are less viable than girls. At birth there it is 51% boys, 49% girls, then a year later it is the other way around.

(For someone who doesn't like being around kids and never wants to have them, I find reproduction far too interesting...)

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