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Tank Setup Log. Conversion from S.American To African


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I have kept my breeding pair of maleris in my mixed african tank when I wasn't breeding from them and they got along fine, they don't seem to bother anyone or anyone bother them because they are so different.. If you wanted some just wait for my current batch of babies to grow out and I will have some here :) The last of the older batch went to Wellington on Saturday..

transcriptus and maleri are very similar but I don't like the transcipturs which is why I got the maleri when I started breeding them, the maleri also get larger and to me are more colourful, it all depends what you like really :)

I found some pics of them in the mixed tank can't be bothered resizing them, they worked on the old forum :(

http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f183/ ... 00x600.jpg

http://s47.photobucket.com/albums/f183/ ... 00x600.jpg

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fantastic stuff Ryan, I too prefer the maleris because they have more patterns. (although transcriptus sounds cooler to say) :lol: :oops: apparently they also upturn themselves and swim upside down under rocks.

I seem to be missing out on your fish by a matter of days every single time, lol...

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lol yeah you have a knack of wanting stuff just after it has gone, you did have first option on those others though and said no :)

I prefer the maleri's too I just find them a better looking fish, they all do the swimming upsidedown thing even when they are tiny, I have a batch of 1cm ones cruising around with the parents atm and they are pretty cool. I got this pic a while back of the parents, + one of a older batch (upsidedown) + babies in the pot, the mothers mouth is a bit munted because she recovered from mouthrot and it has never fully grown back.


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