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some humans don't have the upbringing that most have

causes and effects need to be taken into account

i have known some pretty bad people in my life journey

but when you learn the road they have walked you can understand better why they are the way they are

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words just cant even express the anger really..... it just hurts is all I can say.

we call our selves the smartest beings on earth, but no other animal does to another animal.

people are the biggest problem this planet has as far as i'm concerned.

a damn good smack on the butt when they'ed been bad never hurt any1 either.

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I have 8 cats, and i protect them like i do my son. if anyone did that to one of my cats, i'd be out for blood, and if my child ever did that to an animal, believe me, there will be unmentionable consequences for him to deal with!!!

i have hopefully taught him well enough that that sort of stuff will never happen. he loves our pets and gets very concerned if any of them get hurt.

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I have 8 cats, and i protect them like i do my son. if anyone did that to one of my cats, i'd be out for blood, and if my child ever did that to an animal, believe me, there will be unmentionable consequences for him to deal with!!!

i have hopefully taught him well enough that that sort of stuff will never happen. he loves our pets and gets very concerned if any of them get hurt.

I feel the same way too. I am very protective of my pets and I dont have any children but know I would be the same way, I would also be out for blood if any harm came to them or my own child. Reading that article made me feel so sick, how could any child do that. What I find even more alarming than the fact that a child has done this to an animal is the fact the parents seemingly allowed it to happen through lack of parenting, role modelling, respect all the above that people have mentioned. I do not have any children yet but when I do by god the first thing I will be teaching them is to respect life in all its forms and to never harm a living creature.

What I never will understand is that despite classifying ourselves as the most intelligent animal on this planet, we still inflict pain and suffering on others, wheres the intelligence in those actions?

Through humanity's greed and striving for wealth we have lost touch with what really matters, and because of that we shall be our own downfall unless something drastically changes for the better.

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I have 8 cats, and i protect them like i do my son.

Im like that too, we had to refer to throwing golfballs at the idiots that speed round our corner doing skids,

Its not the best idea, but it stopped them :D Now my cat can cross the street safely :lol:

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If you have the chance to discover the background of some people you discover that there are some very sick people out there and it is not hard to see why when you learn what they have been through. I had to intervue a 23 year old mother of a 7 year old daughter who had been raped by her father, stepfather, uncle and three brothers. At the time she was working as a prostitute and was sharing a double bed with one of her brothers. You explain to me what would be normal for that person. There are some sick puppies out there.

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according to new studies that have revealed that a child brought up under stress does not develop the upper part of the brain properly

this is where our self regulation thinking takes place

That's what I was thinking about when I was reading this. As a mother myself, and also a full-time home-based caregiver to other young children, I find it hard to believe that any children brought up in a supportive, loving family would behave in this way. But then what children find stressful might not be what we expect. And it is that stress that does bad things to children. There is a little boy I look after and have looked after full time since he was 6 months old. He is now 4 and a half. I love him very much and he loves me and I am like a second Mum to him but the stress levels in this child are very high, purely because of the fact that he doesn't get to spend much time with his mama, and he misses her every minute of the day, even after 4 years. He is the only child I know who has been in daycare for such a high number of hours from such a young age, and he is the only child of his age I know who constantly lies to get attention, tries to steal small toys, will hurt another child if he thinks no one is looking. I am not saying that children being in care is the problem by any means, just that the things that cause high stress levels in a child are not necessarily the first things we would think of - violence, neglect etc.

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