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Makes you want to give up


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I got some fish the other week who must have been carrying whitespot, they didn't appear to have any when I got them but then before I knew it most of my fish were appearing with "spots"

Despite weeks of effort trying to fight this battle I have now lost most of my fish in my main tank, including 10 clown loaches, two who were 15cm+ and my green crowntail who was stunning.

The fish I have left doing well are fish that YOU CAN BUY any-time from any shop, amazing how just the "HARD TO FIND" are the ones you loose.

Now I feel completely *insert bad words* and it "makes you want to give up" all together.

How do you carry on when you've had a BAD EXPERIENCE?

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i had a fair few rum and cokes.

go the rum and cokes.

then i got new fish :bounce: and got rid of them and kept doing that until i found the fish i really like, and i got even more vigilant with water changes etc.

it sucks... some of the fish i lost - ive had for more than 3 years, and they moved with me all over and even made road trips in buckets to Auckland when i went on uni breaks :lol:

have a rum and coke... or 10. you'll feel much better. :(

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danilada, sorry for all your losses :(

It's so sad when these things happen but I've learned that sometimes no matter how hard we try, we will loose fish. Of course this was a major loss, so much harder to take. But DON'T give up, you did the best you could. I don't like rum and coke, but if that works, go for it! If not, look at the surviving fish, they still need you!


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nicely said Caper :)

also, if you need to take a bit of time out, your more than welcome to pop round for a coffee and a chat :)

i went through a period of fish losses. i was losing 1 fish every day for about 2 months. they were only guppies, but at the time, they were pretty much the only fish i had, so it was truly gut wrenching to be losing my babies. i nearly gave up then myself. even got to the point where i wrote up a post to get rid of all of my left over fish and equipment. i decided not to submit it, and i'm glad i didn't :)

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Quarantine Tanks dont always do the job they are supposed to do either, I always Qt my fish, now 3 weeks later they have been placed in my Discus Tank and now my Neons and Discus have White Spot :evil: :evil:

I just wonder if it's better to medicate them while they are in Qt just to be on the safe side, not sure if this is good for the Fish or not though.


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Thanks for the support guys, clown loaches are my favourite, I know they are "common"

- But not at a decent size they aren't.

All new fish in my household are QT for wee while, there was no sign of ANY-thing so all was well for about a week when I noticed the whitespot on the clown loaches and a few guppys.

Then BANG one by one each morning they were found dead.

I also introduce all fish properly etc, etc!

Just have to start again! :cry: some were TWO YEARS OLD! - My first fish!

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Gutted I am sorry to hear about this.. Unfortunately it does happen to us all at one time or another in this hobby :( I hope you find some nice new fish to repopulate your tank with and enjoy growing up again :)

I also find it very weird that whitespot killed your fish that fast? They were fine for a week and then you noticed spots and then fish dead the next day? I have seen (and purchased off trademe sight unseen) fish pretty much totally covered in head to tail whitespot and had them recover, were their any other symptoms? Would hate for you to get new fish if something else is going on as well..

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Gutted I am sorry to hear about this.. Unfortunately it does happen to us all at one time or another in this hobby :( I hope you find some nice new fish to repopulate your tank with and enjoy growing up again :)

I also find it very weird that whitespot killed your fish that fast? They were fine for a week and then you noticed spots and then fish dead the next day? I have seen (and purchased off trademe sight unseen) fish pretty much totally covered in head to tail whitespot and had them recover, were their any other symptoms? Would hate for you to get new fish if something else is going on as well..

It killed them over about 2-3 weeks, every couple of days one would go.

No other symptoms, only whitespot -head to tail.

- Won't be getting new fish till tank turns around.

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sorry to hear what happened , it is hard to come back but its worth it when your happy with the results again, i know , been there done that several times. :-?

Several times - dang!

I know ill move on and get back in to it, but for the present im pretty peeved!

I wouldn't have cared if it was a guppy or four, but my pride and joys!

- The big ones even ate out your hand - until I got squirmish and would pull away.

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care to name the shop purchased from and their response to the claim their fish have caused catastrophic devastation on your healthy system? some stores really need to be held accountable for selling fish that are carrying diseases. Sorry for your losses, it happens all too often from the sounds of things. so their must be a lot of stores doing it often. i think there should be some retribution from the store in some instances, whether it be treatment product, replenishing stock losses...

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ITs a pretty bold statement to blame the shop... whichever one it may have been.

you cant be 100% sure which fish got infected first, and what was the carrier.

perhaps you meant to post in the petshop rant post? :o

all that can be done is speculation.

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Hang in there is my advice..

We've all been there, we know what it's like to come home and be greeted by "floaters".. I recently lost a puffer fish to internal parasites, but in a way I couldn't really do anything about it, and I just reminded myself that while in my care he enjoyed mussels everyday and clean water parameters, what more can a puffer fish want? :P

Another time, also recently, I was conditioning my female fighter for breeding and she jumped ship while I was at work.. I'd only bought her about 2 days before. She wasn't an expensive half-moon or anything, but I HATE clearing up dead fish - just makes me feel sick and depressed.

So, don't grieve over it for too long, accept it, learn lessons from it, and take a day off to go LFS-hopping! That's what I do whenever I want to feel better (dead fish or not) - just go to all the LFS you frequent, or some you don't, and just have a look. Even if you don't end up replacing the fish straightaway, there's something therapeutic about hanging out at a LFS.. I'm always worried that the LFS might think I'm trying to steal something because I'll go in, wander around and around for about 20min and sometimes walk out without buying anything! :lol:

Cheer up! :bounce:

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I bought some new fish and quarantined them. While they were still in the quarantine tank, the original fish got white spot :lol: :lol: :lol: The poor new fish would have got the blame if I'd put them straight in the main tank!

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Hang in there is my advice..

We've all been there, we know what it's like to come home and be greeted by "floaters".. I recently lost a puffer fish to internal parasites, but in a way I couldn't really do anything about it, and I just reminded myself that while in my care he enjoyed mussels everyday and clean water parameters, what more can a puffer fish want? :P

Another time, also recently, I was conditioning my female fighter for breeding and she jumped ship while I was at work.. I'd only bought her about 2 days before. She wasn't an expensive half-moon or anything, but I HATE clearing up dead fish - just makes me feel sick and depressed.

So, don't grieve over it for too long, accept it, learn lessons from it, and take a day off to go LFS-hopping! That's what I do whenever I want to feel better (dead fish or not) - just go to all the LFS you frequent, or some you don't, and just have a look. Even if you don't end up replacing the fish straightaway, there's something therapeutic about hanging out at a LFS.. I'm always worried that the LFS might think I'm trying to steal something because I'll go in, wander around and around for about 20min and sometimes walk out without buying anything! :lol:

Cheer up! :bounce:

Haha I am on first name basis at my LFS and am nearly there weekly (- AYE CHRIS!!!!)

I would take a day off to go "fish browsing" but ive taken 3 days off cause im crook with the flu

(maybe I passed it to the fish and died from a bad dose of influenza? - :roll: )

Like Jude said, it could have been any-thing - maybe even my own?

To clear it up all fish brought were from "fishkeepers" and not a pet shop.

But I brought two lots of fish, both are scaleless (in my opinion are more prone to infections)

Like you guys say, it could have been any-thing BUT whitespot was visable.

Thanks for the heads up guys and gals :wink:

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i had 15 lemon tetras, about 10 of them were female and they were ready for breeding, some were already showing signs of carrying... then, i noticed my tank started leaking on the front right corner, so i borrowed a tank from living art and put them all in there... temps were less than 1degree diff, half the water was from the original tank, and the tank that mark gave me has been used for awhile in his breeding program when it was running.

all of a sudden they all one by one seemed to spasm out, swimming sideways etc and died. also lost 5 glowlights and 2 h&t light tetras... all my other fish were fine incl my neons. then a couple days later my favourite gold/white atlum angel that i had had since day dot got fin rot and died so quickly i couldnt do anything about it.

all other fish were fine and happy... still have absolutely no idea what the deuce happened.


now i have a newly repaired tank that i have all the oppertunity in the world to recreate what i want. i never thought i would get over it, but after seeing Marks fish a few times and talking about it, you get over it...

onwards and upwards i say!

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yeah it might not have been the new fish. Very possible. Sorry about your fish. Plants are very rewarding. Or keep more than one tank then if you are experiencing problems with one tank you can enjoy the success' of the other:)

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