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has anebody tried hypnosis to give up smoking?


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When I was a smoker... if anyone told me to pack it in, they got a nice mouthful from me telling them to mind their own business.

Around two years or so back... I collapsed through lack of breath, and was rushed to hospital. Prior to this I felt pretty good.. and played football with the kids and took them swimming and such.

A day in the hospital and the chief doctor paid me a visit.

He told me straight out that my lungs were knack####... and that if I didn't pack the fags in I would be dead in under a year.

Needless to say... I almost died there and then from the shock... but then after smoking 20-30 plus fags a day for 54 years... you understand that you can't go on abusing your lungs forever.

I was put on a heavy dose of drugs.. and was out of hospital in just over a week.

I thought about the grandkids... and how much I wanted to see them growing up. I was soon to realise that I couldn't live without all the tablets and inhalers I needed to take each day... and that now... even a short walk through the house to the toilet, left me totally exhausted.

Since then I have been in hospital about eight times for varying lengths of time... and know that the damage that has been done can never be repaired... and each new day I see is one that would never have been seen had I continued smoking.

I have never touched a smoke since I heard that doctors words, and never took any form of anti smoking cure... just went cold turkey... as I knew the risks.

Sit down on your own and think about all the happy times you have with the people you know... and think about the future.

It's hard ... but even my wife stopped after watching my condition, and she had smoked for over forty years.

All the best, and I hope you manage to stop.


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not a smoker so I can't comment, but with hypnosis for anything, you need to REALLY want it to work and it will.

It is not so much the hypnosis not working as the individual not wanting it enough.

Good luck! :)

I can sell you some all natural medication that works even better than hypnosis. It's concentrated extract of the South African Placebotus plant.:P

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I gave up slowly when i found out i was pregnant, hubby said he would too. Ha! then he tried hypno, smoked about 3 rollies before he went in, i had to sit in on it too cause he was worried the guy would fry his brain or make him do stuff :roll: he went home, had a shower, craved the rest of the day. Started smoking again the next day. So i made him give me what it cost for the hypnosis and went and spent it on baby things.

I know it sounds corny.... but:

The power of belief is strong. If you really want it to work..... it will.

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the theme of all the above is REALLY wanting to give up... not just because others say you should or because you think that maybe you should

I agree, I decided one day that I didnt want to any more and I found it really quite easy. All previous attempts to quit were because people wanted me to, not me wanting to myself.

Now I smell smoke and think yuck, did I smell like that!!!!

Good luck, do it for yourself :lol:

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I'm lucky I've never smoked - it's quite heartbreaking seeing people who are struggling to give up, or whose health is suffering as a result of smoking.

My problem is that I grind my teeth! I've been doing it my whole life, but it's got to the point now that my teeth are literally being ground to bits while I'm asleep at night. I've tried all sorts of things to no avail, and just recently it ocurred to me that hypnosis might help. So if anyone knows a good clinical/medical hypnotist in the Auckland area (or Hamilton or Whangarei for that matter) please let me know!

Just as long as I don't stop grinding my teeth and start smoking... :o

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I smoked for 20+ years and quit smoking 7 years ago. I made the decision to stop because I still want to be healthy enough to have a life when I retire. Like others have said, if you want to quit you will. I found it really easy to stop, I just told myself that I'm the one in charge of my actions, not an addictive poison.

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Have never smoked, but watched parents and friends try to give up time and time again. Parents did both give up eventually and have never looked back! :)

Before Christmas a person I'd watched try and give up for 3 yrs using patches etc, ended up having what looked like a massive stroke...ended up being Bacterial meningitis in the jaw and then into the brain. Was definately caused by sharing cigarettes. A rare type of meningitis in saliva which in other persons mouth was 'normal' but when transferred via cig butt to other person, nearly killed them! Has left brain irritation that may be permanent. Hence to say person has now completely given up and keeps telling others to "give up the filthy weed"...

Best of luck Spoon, whatever you decide to do. You can only get healthier by giving up! :bounce:

P.s, have finished using rabbit hutch now :D thanks heaps!

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Seems very much an attitude thing. If you go in positive the hypnosis will work then chances are it will. I know of some who tried it. Success rate was about 50/50 I think.

Neither of my parents smoked but all 4 of us kids took it up :cry:

Eldest now only smokes pipes as he claims it is less harmfull :roll:

Second eldest was a 40 a day for over 20 years saying you had to die of something, until he worked out he could have bought his new car with the money spent. Stopped cold turkey and got his car. Never smoked since.

I was more a social smoker. Met my husband who was asthmatic, so gave up for him, cold turkey. Guess I should credit him with saving my health :lol:

Youngest tried giving up numerous times and claimed an allergy to the patches. Finally gave up for good a couple of years ago.

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Add up what you spend a year on smokes, then see what you could have spent that on at the fish shop - or on reptiles....

more my motivation for giving up :D also health im not very fit at all i put that all down to smokes , barrie i understand the pm u sent me . im thinking i will try hypnosis well whats $150 if i can spend thats on smokes in two weeks

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Good luck Hubby & I have given up this month with the motivation of doing the Milford Track in November. You know the money saved doesn't mean much and good advise well it only goes so far ...you just know when you feel like crap in the morning that it is time to stop..

From a 30 years smoker, yes we are doing it cold turkey. We also stopped having a beer on the deck during the week and changed our habits you know the one smoke bfore diner.......after diner............keeping busy helps

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I smoked for 40 years but have been off them for about 6 years. Remind yourself all the time how good it is to taste food, smell the flowers, not smell like an ashtray and have some change in your pocket. When fag smoke reminds you of all the good things rather than wanting one you are away laughing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Providing you want to give up smoking, and you have a hypnotist who knows what he's doing, then you've got a 100% chance for success.

I'm 2/3 of the way through my hypnotherapy training, and one of the subjects covered was aiding people to give up smoking. Its actually very very simple, but it does rely on whats mentioned above.

I would be interested to know what induction he/she used (i.e the way he got you into hypnosis) and how you got on afterwoulds if you or anyone else didn't mind sharing? :)

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