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aaaand tank restocked haha :lol: managed to walk into Animates the same time as half the Palmy people from the forums too

Cardinals for $5.15 each (with the 2 for 1 deal) is fantastic here. We have 2 fish shops, one is $10.33 usual price per cardinal (though gets less if you buy more) and other store is $10 per cardinal. So whilst they may be cheaper in other areas, definitely not so here!

Plus 4 silver hatchets (3 of them quite big) for $43 all up (so now I have 8 altogether, they look fantasmic)

And I got 2 gold pearlscale angels as a display pair

Just been taking photos, might post em up soon

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managed to walk into Animates the same time as half the Palmy people from the forums to

It was great to meet another palmy person

Yes we also mananged to stock our tanks today (well not yet as they're all in quantine at the mo..)

our list:

1x polypterus senegalus

1x polypterus senegalus albino

1x royal whiptail catfish

1x gorgous dark blue with red siamese fighter

6x rummynose tetras

4x albino cories

6x marbled hatchets

1x female krib

1x panda cory

and we got a selection of plants

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Must try again tonight when theres no tank reflections, they made it hard. I like taking fish photos, should do it more often


Friendly wee angels, love following fingers too



Cool that you got some marbelled hatchets Mel, they are wicked fish. I ended up with silvers due to them being the only ones in at the time during the last sale (only way I can afford 'em!). The school of 8 now looks really cool

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I got a good deal on silver hatchets.

I got 2 for $14 from the sale and i had a $10 voucher so cost me $4 for two silver hatchets. I was stoked.

Would have liked more but they were the last 2 .

Whats this i hear about the fish picture taking could i enter? Got an awesome lil parrot fish i wanna take some pics of also got some big big blue mystery snails, can you enter them?

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I only got a pair of blue rams but they've already paired up and have found a rock that has a sort of crater thing in it and they're showing signs of getting ready to breed so hopefully I'll get some babies soon 8)

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think i went a bit crazy lol went back the same day for more clowns got another 12 but they are small so will see if they live long

Think positive "love your clowns" and they will be fine. Were they charging the same for these little ones? Our LFS sells Clowns for $30 regardless of size. We didn't go over to Palmy easier not to than be tempted (bought a Fluval 305 last weekend) I did wonder if Animates stocked up well for the sale and I guess they do. Is this sale bi-yearly or random.

Wat else did they have in Palmy people, Green Barbs?

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