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off fishing for natives today


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Go to the library and get out any book on NZ freshwater fish by McDowall (or google, there are lots of descriptive 'native fish 101 sites out there, but I find a book is handier to flick back and forth while getting used to them)

D'oh! And we now have one here! http://www.fnzas.org.nz/index.php?PG=nativefish (though there are still some mixed up descriptions we need to iron out)

If you can get some photos we can ID them much more easily (photos side on is best, ziplock bags can be handy in the field for this! But from above is ok too)

Good luck! I love hearing about other people's native fish hunts :)

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please ring Doc, and either ask them, to destroy them or ask for permission to destroy them yourself and use for fishfood or somehting

could be hard to kill them all,there could be thousands there! i followed the creek for a fair distance and was able to catch them wherever i tried from fry to large gravid females! :o

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On Jan 21st we are planning a night club trip to White's Bay (20 minutes from town) to look for stuff in the stream there. According to the local freebie paper, it is possible to spot short finned eels, redfin and common bullies and banded kokopu.

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FUN! Have you been native fish hunting before, Caryl?

They usually come out a while after dark, the later you go the better.

Make sure someone has scouted it out during the day for access and god spots to sprain ankles.

Areas with shallow sandy bottoms and flat water are ideal.

Make sure everyone has a torch (even if they are weak, they stop people from falling over or being a burden to those who have torches)

Gumboots are preferable and/or compulsory.

Children should be told to shut up well in advance (...personal gripe)

The best way to catch bullies is to put the net in front of them and shoo it in with a pokey stick.

Midwater fish: just come up from underneath (net mouth in line with water surface)

Eels can swim backwards out of a net just as fast as forwards.

Make sure someone has a copy of a book by R.M. McDowall.

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