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Breeding tropicals outside


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For those who want to try breeding those tropicals that tolerate cooler waters (eg barbs), the red shed has 20% off all pools today.

183 x 38cm diameter rigid sided pools are $17.49 each. Ideal for fish breeding.


I will consider throwing my golden barbs, odessa barbs and rosy barbs outside (into 3 separate ponds) mid January. I have found fish bred outside in ponds grow faster, bigger, and are more brightly coloured than those found in lfs :wink:

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It isn't too chilly here in Marlborough over summer. Night temps by late Jan go down to about 15C at least but usually around 18C. Daytime temps the pool is hotter than the tank inside :roll:

I don't cover it as then the insects can't get it - live food.

The oxygen weed is gathered from the local river that runs through town. It is just weighted down with rocks, not planted.

Last time I did rosy barbs outside there were 6 put in (from memory) and about 276 removed.

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years ago I used to chuck all my cichlids in our pond over summer, Jewels, oscars etc, pulled them out at the end of every feb nice and fat and colourful, never lost any, they fed up on the goldfish fry etc.

Didn't try to breed any but they probably would have considering the condition they were in.

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Just set up the pools. Two out of 3 leak so back to the shop for replacements :roll:

We have bought several of these pools and never had a problem with them before.

Neighbour's dog came over for a look. Had a quick sniff then kept going round to the fish pond, had a drink there, then wandered back home again :lol:

My husband came to pick me up from the shop after I rang him to ask him to come and get me after I had purchased them (I had walked into town, 4km, and had no backpack to carry them in, plus they are remarkably heavy for little plastic pools and get heavier as you walk back home :roll: )

He then helped set the pools up and hold them in place until the water level was high enough to keep the sides up.

He has also just put together the outdoor table and chair set I bought (well, he just got his new camera) and we have been sitting at out table, under our new umbrella, while he surfs the Net for some camera lenses. It is a hard life :lol:

It is rare to go so long (4 days now) without him being called out. He is on call all next week and over New Year :-?

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It's 3 out of 3 now :roll:

Only a very slight leak so may wait a day or 2 to see what happens. It was dry for several hours before it started on this latest leak.

lmsmith - we own a computer company but Grant works as a contractor to Downer EDI Engineering. As such, he fixes Telecom payphones. Many faults are to phone boxes where someone has got their card stuck, or tried to put coins in a card phone, or used the wrong card :roll:

He also does building and engineering services which means he looks after the aircon units, batteries, deisel generators, lightbulbs and other maintenance on all Telecom buildings. If the aircon fails, or batteries, an alarm goes off and he is called out to fix it before the building overheats and destroys the sensitive equipment.

He does the same for the courts.

He does all Vodaphone's faults and maintenance and anything else they can think of for him to do.

He also does radio/telephone basework for Teamtalk, the major operator in NZ.

He has just done some installation work for JDA who look after the Radio Works radio stations and TV3 stuff.

He does lighthouse faults and other miscellaneous work like telephone system installations and broadband installation for parliamentary services (means he hooks the MPs into the Net).

He installs and maintains broadband via satellite for ICONZ as well.

Luckily all that is only part time (he has been averaging 66 hours per week lately) as he then comes home to do computer sales and repairs :roll:

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How did you get on Dixon?

I mentioned it to my husband and he only said one word


He said NO to putting something on the grass, but is letting me build a pond around 150x80x40cm in the garden Where we cant grow anything, BUT its right besiide the frogpond :evil: Doesnt matter though, il put a cover over it and hope the frogs dont want to go there :lol:

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He said NO to putting something on the grass, but is letting me build a pond around 150x80x40cm in the garden Where we cant grow anything, BUT its right besiide the frogpond :evil: Doesnt matter though, il put a cover over it and hope the frogs dont want to go there :lol:

I'd ditch the frogs and use the frogpond as well or just extend it to cover the lot. I'm tempted to use the pond at our house but its tiny and the dog drinks from it!

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i know some might not consider WCMM tropicals but i have 6 adults that were in my daughters tank (in her room anyway) over winter that i've put outside in a tub. they started spawning straight away and are still going as i still see the tiniest of fry every now an then.

Quite cool to see them really

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Luckily I bought my 8 month old son a paddling pool for Christmas, he will be easy to convince setting it up as a barb pond but I may have to work on the miss haha!

If by chance I do set it up in the good old Waikato you think they would get on ok?

I am still amazed you can do that with tropicas. Although when I was younger I put some platys in a farm trough to reduce numbers and ironically enough ended up having a lot more in a few weeks haha

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, despite the night temperatures dropping to 10C, as soon as I added my tropicals to the pond, I notice the odessas were spawning this morning. Hopefully the golden barbs will do so too. They have the leftover plants from my 4ft tropical I cleaned out last weekend plus yesterday I gathered oxygen weed from the river and have weighted it down in the ponds with rocks.

The fish don't seem to mind young Liam (Jude's grandson. The 2 of them have been visiting here) playing with a motorised boat in their pond either :lol:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hmmm... Inspired by this thread I filled a large, clean rubbish-bin with water, put in some plants I had trimmed from my tank, and put it in a corner of the deck. I had decided to put some cherry barbs in there and see if they would spawn. Unfortunately within a day (before I put the fish in) a thick layer of bright green oily-looking slime started to form and soon covered the whole surface.

A couple of days ago I emptied the bin, scrubbed it out, threw away the plants and started again. Once more it has ended up with a thick layer of green slime on the surface. I'm not going to try putting any fish in there until I've resolved this issue as the whole thing looks pretty nasty and I'm sure there wouldn't be enough oxygen exchange to keep the fish healthy and happy.

Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Will I get the same result if I use a paddling pool instead of the bin? :-?

In fact, have I now left it too late to start my barb breeding programme this summer? :(

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What do you do with 276 barbs come winter?! Can you sell them to pet shops?

I'd love to try this but our section consists of a washing line, a rectangle patch of grass and some grass we share with a neighbour :lol: besides, I don't think our landlord would be very impressed!

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