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Hi there im in the process of moving house and today when I was loosening the slats on my bed I discovered mould growing on the slats, it was worse underneath and only seemed to plague the side closest to the bedroom window. NOW heres the fustrating part. We (myself, boyfriend and mate.) moved into our current property 4 months ago. It has a Dvs System to help remove dampness from the house, to which we discovered is extrememely mouldy,damp and crappy despite this system. In my room there is a window which is falling to bits from mould and overall disrepair. The Landlord has been told by two Professionals that the window has to be removed and replaced before it starts affecting the wall surrounding it. Personally I think it already has. The landlord refuses to despite moss growing on the inside of the frame and being able to see light and bits of the front garden through the joins of the warped and brittle wood. Therefore my room is very damp, despite the DVS working on full. I no longer sleep in my room after I discovered the window about 3 months ago, (I got very sick and put it down to sleeping in that room because I havent gotten sick since.) I make sure that I open the windows and strip my bed so it can air. In the winter I made sure I had a heater going in my room aswell. So despite this the Landlord has refused blank to replace the window and has the real estate lady to fob us off by saying that its odd and she doesnt understand how it could have happened and that its been a very bad winter for mould. The bed is less than a year old and when we moved into this property the slats had no mould on them, then 4 months later I discover half the slats growing beards, and disgusting green mould, my mattress also new is plagued with grey patches and yellow patches. My question to all of you is what rights do I have in this matter, does the landlord have any obligations towards this matter, since it was his house that caused the problem with out a doubt. (I forgot to mention before, before I noticed my bed, my flatmate had to chuck out a sheet he was using to cover his window at night away because it became encrusted with yellow mould and my boyfriend has had to throw his vallence away for same reason, not use, but because of mould. And my art stuff which was stored in my room became warped and damp. Along with my books, everything smells mouldy and damp.

DO I have a leg to stand on?

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your landlord is an idiot

He has an asset worth say 2 o3 houndred thousand and it has a problem... Is he responsible for your stuff.... I would guess that you would have to prove it beyond reasonble doupt and at a guess I would say that I dont think you will get much luck... he could argue that the windows should have been opened more and that you have helped distroy his asset by not venterlating the house

Yes, I am playing devil advocate but if I was you I would vacate the place urgently and get your bond back first before playing hardball

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Yes he is. Quite sad because the house was at one point very nice and hes just let it go to waste. We do ventalate the property we even open the front doors and leave it open for most of the day. The property was long gone even before we moved in I reckon. Wish I had listened to my instincts and not agreed to move in. Guess thats what happens when you try and keep everyone else happy.

Didnt really want to hear that but guess you are right. I just think thats so wrong about that landlord not having to take any responsiblility for whats happened to my bed.

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i had the same problem in my old house landlord was an idiot too they dont understand that a 50 year old house is going to need some maintenince not just years of patch up jobs the house made us sick especially my fiancee maybe look at getting the house condemmned as unsafe to live in there is guidelines somewhere as to what is acceptable

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