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Selling Native Fish...


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Or koura. Or freshwater mussels. Basically anything native and wild-caught.


Galaxiids caught legally as whitebait.

Eels (but you have to have a commercial eeling quota, and can only sell to someone who has a license to buy them off commercial eelers)


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ok just wondering as im an auction surfer, and theres a couple for sale at the moment.

didn't think it was legal.

before u think it as well under no circumstances would i sell native fish.

thanks for the info will post a reply on the auction informing the person.

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Can you resell them?

That's an interesting one. Because Vince sells them LIVE to restaurants, who then SELL them to the customers.

So I don't see why one wouldn't be able to on sell Koura, as long as they provide rock solid proof that the individual Koura was purchased through a farm, legally. It's not something I'd want to get involved with.

I guess DOC/MAF will have a different opinion.

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I was understood Farmed Koura should have certification which should be available at time of sale. Retailers haven't seemed to worried too much about this. I would suspect restaurants would require more scrutiny

You would think that the odd bully would be OK to sell.

Unfortunately it will take only one selfish person to decide there is easy money to be made by emptying their local streams, so I would support the notion of collecting only for one self.

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Unfortunately it will take only one selfish person to decide there is easy money to be made by emptying their local streams, so I would support the notion of collecting only for one self.

I have heard a quite specific rumour of that happening before. :(

I am fully in support of a law change one day allowing for other native species to be farmed for aquarium sale. (at the moment it is very very difficult/impossible to do) While hunting for your fish is great fun, and very educational on the state of our streams, not taking wild animals would be preferable.

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I emailed the trademe person simply stating:

"It is illegal to sell native freshwater fish. You need to remove the listing or Trademe will remove it for you."

Just got back two emails in quick succession:

"not according to the conservation department its not exspecially as they are tank breed and will not survie in the wild"

"who are you and what right do you have to treaten me. I am reporting you to trade me"

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

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my post to him/her> hi there, not sure if you are aware but it is against the law to catch and sell NZ native fish. i would take this auction down asap if i were u. unless this is legally done..... just a friendly notification.

reply>> acoording to Micheal Lake from the conservation department it is not illegal to sell these fish, I checked before listing. I should also mention these are tank breed fish and are unlikly to survie in the wild 2:27 pm, Mon 17 Nov

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It is actually a woman. Obviously with an anger management issue.... :lol:

Aaron-Betta: legally any native fish or other aquatic life may not be put back into the stream it came from without a permit. The disease introduction risk is the reason.

Personally I think the disease risk is incredibly low, as the diseases that affect native fish are found in all wild systems naturally.

At Mahurangi Tech they are wanting to be able to farm native fish for sale into the aquarium market, if there was a legal way of doing this, they would be doing it right now. It simply IS NOT CURRENTLY LEGAL to sell native fish in any form (previous exemptions excluded ;))

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Mahurangi are selling Koura to LFS. They have a permit to do so.

I doubt that DOC will be interested in such a case, but there are no doubts that the rules encompassing selling, transportation, and farming of native fish will require revision particulary and ironically as their numbers and future in the wild become more secure.

Should this trader seem to have an endless supply then I would hope more interest from appropriate organisations.

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Lo and behold! The listing no longer exists ;)

I know the point of these sorts of threads is not to be annoying to people but to look after the animals, but when someone gets so obnoxious it is kinda satisfying....

The sad thing is, it would have been interesting to know how she raised them (if she did).

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