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November Aquarium World


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The November AW is printing as I type 8)

Being over 60Mb long this time (about 4x the usual size) it is taking a while. I do them in blocks of 25 magazines (that's how much paper the out tray holds) and each block is taking 4 hours and 15 minutes to print. Total is 300 so, if my maths is correct, it will take 51 hours to print them all. :roll:

We are getting there. Of course, we then have to fold, staple, address, bag and stamp but I hope to have them to NZ Post by the weekend.

What can you look forward to?

Read about...

Hellen's Royal Blues

Paul's visit to the Monterey Bay Aquarium

What to do if your killlie eggs are taking too long to hatch

What's in a library near you?

we introduce Mr & Mrs Hewson - with wedding pics

Stopping pond predators (very topical for me as I am fighting a blue heron)

Identifying plant bits

Article, results and pics from the Livebearer Show

Bottom dwellers

Marine bettas

Making a Java Hutt

but wait - there's more!!!!

Read about it in an issue arriving in your letterbox soon!! :bounce:

I would like to add here that this has been the easiest magazine I have ever had to put together. Thanks to those who heeded the call and produced such an interesting and varied number of articles. If I had this many to choose from all the time, editing would be a breeze :hail:

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What do you know,

I got mine already.

Hot off Caryls computer :lol:

another great read,

Can't wait for next years one now. :wink:

Do you mean you have got the 2009 issue yet ? your slowing down Wok :P

Its the plan to make it as easy as we can for you Caryl so you stay on as editor... crafty eh 8) :wink:

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Did you just join the UHAS or KMAC? I have a number of new KMAC membership cards here ready to go with some new members plus am waiting for a membership card for a new UHAS member. As soon as it arrives a magazine will be on its way.

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