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Hello new member from Palmy North


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Edited on the 6th January - adding more tanks or have changed afew things around

Hello all, I'm Mel from Palmerston North.

My Tanks .. haha there are afew too.

Turtle tank: 300 litres

1x Snakeneck turtle - Mr Turtle

Cichlid Tank: 400 litres

1x red spot pleco

2x lionheads (bumpheads)

5x giraffes

4x brichardi

2x johannii

4x maleri red peacocks

4x dolphins

4x male convicts

5x electric yellows

2x red zebras

4x random zebras

Cichlid Tank: 120 litres

6x julies

20+ juvenile convicts

20+ juvenile zebras

1x baby snowball pleco

Cichlid Tank: 225 litre

3x electric yellow

4x blue zebras

1x L014 goldie pleco

Hex Tank: 250 litres

3x female convicts

1x dolphin

1x electric yellow

1x kribensis

1x common pleco

Discus tank: Planted 125 litre

2x fuji red discus - 50mm

1x leopard discus - 50mm

2x blue rams

7x albino bristlenose

4x peppered cories

Community Tank: Planted 200 litre

6x tiger barbs

2x green barbs

2x neons

4x rasboras

15x platties

3x bronze cories

2x peppered cories

4x bristlenoses

4x black widows

Outdoor pond #1

1x BIG gold fantail - "Big Goldie"

3x blackmoors

2x bronze fantails

1x calico fantail

3x mountain minnows

1x large goldmoor

30+ baby comets

Outdoor pond #2

5x large comets

4x 60 litre tanks - current residents are baby: convicts, guppies, electric yellows, zebras

And also have my two dogs Sasha (bull terrier) and Austen (Mastiff) and also my Rainbow Lorikeet (Birdie).

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Hi and welcome seems to be quite a few people popping up in Palmy recently which is sweet..

What cichlids did you want for your 350L tank?

Hi, I remember buying a hex tank from you on TM awhile ago .. and I know you've got afew fishes as I've been in your fish room .. what kind of non aggesive cichlid do you have. We are new with the cichlids, but I like the electric yellows and hubby likes the jewels any thing nice and colourful :D

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Cool is the tank going well?

I have replied to your pm about fish :)

A bit difficult to get non-aggressive cichlids most of them at the very least are a bit stroppy..

Jewels are cool fish very pretty and easy to keep, but also very aggressive and if your unlucky enough to get a pair they will dominate your tank and you will struggle to give away any babies.. A bit like convicts which you seem to enjoy so maybe jewels would be cool for you..

In a 350L tank you could make a very nice african cichlid tank, however they are considered aggressive, they will get along with their own type though..

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Hi & welcome!

:o Lots of fishies and tanks :bow:

I didn't know you could keep turtles in with fish. Could you post a pics of your tanks sometime. Especially the one with the turle and fish.

Take care & have fun,


Yes you can indeed, but it just means ALOT of water changes .. hubby usually does 25% change each day & a full clean out at least every month. We feed Mr Turtle in a separate tank so the main tank doesn't get grubby to quickly. I will try and get some pictures up (if I figure out how to) :wink:

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  • 2 weeks later...

u have a rainbow lorikeet too??? That awesome - my bird's name is rusty!

Aren't they the sweetest things ever?

We have Rainbow Lorrikeets wild here - very pretty birds to see flitting about. I haven't seen any yet (usual Spring birds are about: tuis, wood pigeons etc.) but not the Lorrikeets yet - might be too cold for them still.

Welcome Mel (insert waving smilie here)

You're well set up with loads of tanks (where do you put them all??!!) :o

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