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African keepers or Palmy people emergency...


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As most of you know my Husband Ryan is away overseas on deployment..

I am looking after his fish I know nothing and earlier today i found his big tank full of Africans all up at the surface gasping for air..I have done 3 water changes and that helped for a bit but they are doing it again..

I don't know what to do I'm panicking and I don't have alot of time to spare with a sick baby I need help desperately or they will all die..

I think I have a couple of hours before they do..

Please help me?

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Have you got air bubbles in there, if not can get one in there and oxygenate the water.

Temp- have you got another thermometer to check up on first.

Are any fish dead?- check to make sure there aren't any dead ones around-it could set off a spike if it big enough.

That would be enough water change for time being I'd say, you don't want to shock them too much the other way.

good luck

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This is Ryan now..

Bilbo has been contacted and asked if he could come over and have a look but he must be busy if he hasn't shown yet..

The tank is well established the filter shouldn't be dirty as I cleaned it before I left and it usually goes 3-4months without cleaning..

Tank is highly stocked but has been stable this way for months with no problems at all..

I told my wife to do the water changes immediately thinking ammonia but since the filter is going still and she has done a few water changes (and they had one yesterday too) I am unsure what is going on the fish still aren't perking up, from the sounds of it something nasty has got into the tank (my wife isn't aware of anything). Air pumps are still going and they shouldn't just require more oxygen overnight, thermometer was fine when I left so temp should be ok at 25.. A bit lost without being there to actually see whats going on..

Heres hoping they don't all die hopefully my wife and potentially Sandy can sort it out so I don't loose them all :(

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They are fine..

Sandra and her son have just left..When i went earlier today they were floating on the top but after water changes and stuff they got a little better..

But were still up the top gasping..

Sandra emptied the tank a bit and let the filter flow add some more air then she put in an extra air stone and some salt and fed them and they all seem happy..Still breathing a bit heavier than normal but seem happy now..

So thanks heaps Sandra you are a legend..

We most definitely appreciate everything you are doing to help us..

Takes a big load of my shoulders knowing all I have to worry about now is a sick baby..:)


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Ryan again just finished work again..

I am glad to hear this has all worked out, thanks heaps to Sandy and to olly for the offer of help it is much appreciated, I hate stressing out over here thinking ive left too much stress at home for my wife to deal with especially with my fish etc..

Glad ive got a good wife most of them wouldn't have been doing water changes and stressing out all day when they got no sleep last night and had a sick baby :)

Anyway thanks heaps to all that helped or offered to im so glad I didn't loose that tank..

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