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Great...Power being disconnected...


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On the 29th Genesis is disconnecting our power for about 5 hours.

Normally I wouldn't care, just give the filters a quick clean after the power comes back on and everything would be fine.

Unfortunately, we leave for the south island on the morning of the 29th.

A: I don't know anyone I'm sure I trust to do it.

B: It's a bit much to ask them to sit around my house for 5+hours.

C: They all work anyway so can't.

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Supposed to be 9am-3pm. (Or about there)

I just remembered I do have a UPS that doesn't work because the battery is dead. I might be able to plug it into a car battery that might run the filters long enough. But since it doesn't put out a sine wave it might not work.

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do you really think it will be a problem? often the outages are for far less.

What country do you live in? In our country, New Zealand, since you're not familiar with it. They're *ALWAYS* longer than claimed. :lol:

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they were going to do the same thing to use a while ago when they had to change the wooden pole to a concrete one. we had a word with the supervisor, explained the situation of tropical fish, and he said they would not cut our power until the last possible moment. at 2pm the guy comes to the door to say they had to turn the power off. at 2.30pm they had it back on again.

ring genesis and explain the situation to the right people (not the customer service reps). they may be able to shorten the length of time the power is off.

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I'd figure the main issue wouldn't be the power cut it would be making sure everything is running properly when the power comes back on. I often find canister filters or air pumps that need fiddling with when power is restored, particularly when dealing with sumps or other advanced systems.

We don't know each other very well but happy to help if needed.

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I'd figure the main issue wouldn't be the power cut it would be making sure everything is running properly when the power comes back on. I often find canister filters or air pumps that need fiddling with when power is restored, particularly when dealing with sumps or other advanced systems.

We don't know each other very well but happy to help if needed.

Yeah, well, reconnecting the filters really. I don't like to just let them start back up on their own and dump possibly toxic water back into the tank. I usually unplug them if the power has been out for more than an hour and give them a quick rinse after it comes back on.

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Wish I was able to help Ira.

how about setting all your canisters up on a spare tank (or bucket etc) and leaving them plugged in so that they start working again once the power is on to keep the still living bacteria going, but don't dump toxic crap into the tank.

You could hold off feeding for a couple of days before hand, to lower the bioload a bit on the big day.

If you have a heater with a thermostat maybe you could keep the room warm to so the temp doesn't drop too much in the tanks, otherwise wrap the tanks in blankets, poly, newspaper

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Wish I was able to help Ira.

how about setting all your canisters up on a spare tank (or bucket etc) and leaving them plugged in so that they start working again once the power is on to keep the still living bacteria going, but don't dump toxic crap into the tank.

You could hold off feeding for a couple of days before hand, to lower the bioload a bit on the big day.

If you have a heater with a thermostat maybe you could keep the room warm to so the temp doesn't drop too much in the tanks, otherwise wrap the tanks in blankets, poly, newspaper

Temp is not a concern.

What good is setting up the cannisters on a spare tank and leaving them plugged in going to do me? Someone would still need to put them back on the tanks.

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The tanks will be fine for the day without filters, but the less time you have the filters off the less bacteria will die in them. If they are in a spare tank you can have them came back on as soon as the power comes back on and get aerated water flowing in them, without having to worry about die off getting into your tanks.

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The tanks will be fine for the day without filters, but the less time you have the filters off the less bacteria will die in them. If they are in a spare tank you can have them came back on as soon as the power comes back on and get aerated water flowing in them, without having to worry about die off getting into your tanks.

That still does not solve the problem.

Ira is going away that day. Someone needs to check the filters are running correctly when power comes back on, or else they could air lock etc etc.

Read the thread from beginning to establish the problem before giving yur resolutions..


just annoys me that people have all these wonderful ideas but they are not relative to thread as they have not read whole story!!!!!!! :evil:

PS. not an attack, just a reminder to read before typing

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...Read the thread from beginning to establish the problem before giving yur resolutions...

Actually I disagree.

Although suphew's suggestions might not be exactly relevant to Ira's question, they may still be useful to him by giving him a new way to look at the issue.

Also if it was simply Ira's problem that was being addressed, people could just send PMs. But as a forum one of the most useful things is that problems & solutions are able to be extrapolated to other people's situations. It hadn't occurred to me to put the filter on a spare tank or bucket if the power went out and I knew I wouldn't be home when it came back on. Now that suphew has suggested it I will consider it.

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C: They all work anyway so can't.


just annoys me that people have all these wonderful ideas but they are not relative to thread as they have not read whole story!!!!!!!

Maybe you should read the whole thread before posting

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