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I learnt a valuable lesson today.... I feel stink! :(

Okay, I guess it's not the worst but even so....

Have you ever been driving down the road and thought you saw someone you knew walking/cycling along it? Hmmmmm. I had that today...

I was in the passenger seat and thought I saw a good friend not far ahead, so desperately wound down the window and proceeded to yell out "MMAAAAAAWWWW! " (Very similar to a sheep/cow in anger..)

It was NOT my friend, and the poor lady I made animal noises at looked aghast. I knew as soon as I had done it, that the damage was done!

Crap! Did I feel lowwww! ! ! ! :oops: Oh, and how red is a beetroot? :roll:

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so would you consider winding down the window and calling

"MMAAAAAAWWWW! " (Very similar to a sheep/cow in anger..)

normal and fullfilling even if you did know them.?

I suppose you could have gone back and said "at times I just feel the need to act like an animal" :wink:

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I used to carry a spare horse whip on the dash and passengers would hit cyclists on the bum. (Usually ones we knew) Gives them quite a fright too, but funny :lol: Might i say that was about 15yrs ago now. I just blast my airhorns at anyone i feel like nowadays.

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I had an idiot (boy racer) yesterday fire a cap gun at me as he drove past while I was out walking. And they wonder why we treat them like children :roll:

My mother, who was with me, said "I wonder what else his mummy got him for his birthday" 8)

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I had an idiot (boy racer) yesterday fire a cap gun at me as he drove past while I was out walking. And they wonder why we treat them like children :roll:

My mother, who was with me, said "I wonder what else his mummy got him for his birthday" 8)

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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I had an idiot (boy racer) yesterday fire a cap gun at me as he drove past while I was out walking. And they wonder why we treat them like children :roll:

He needs to have a free tour of the streets of Harlem - New York.. with his little pocket rocket car and cap gun... :roll:

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I know the feeling 1/2ways

I was out clubbing with friends last year. We somehow ended up saying "Bom chicca wow wow", like in the Lynx ads, all night.

A week later I spied one of the crowd who'd been out that night, waking into a cafe. I ran up from behind and jumped in front of her with my arms out, going "Bom chicca wow wow". At about the first "wow" I realised it wasn't her. The second "wow" was somewhat muted as the "I'm a total dork" feeling came over me... :oops: :oops: :oops:

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That's what happens when you are possibly a tad tiddly and your eye for detail ends up rather warped after rather a few... :lol: :lol: The person you "saw" on the night hanging out in your mind resembled what you saw walking into the cafe?? :lol:

All I can say is rather you than me, how embarassing :) :lol: :lol:

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I have one of those stories too.

A few years ago I lived in Sydney. One of my best friends rang me up to tell me another great friend was planning a secret trip to come see me. I was so excited, I hadn't seen her in years. I marked the date and waited.

She didn't contact me on that date.

Or the next day.

On the third I get a call from someone trying to he secretive asking me to meet them in town. I instantly new it was my friend.

I went into town a bit earlier and was walking across the square. I spied my friend and ran about 100m to meet her.

I ran up behind her, twisted her around, lowered her over backwards and planted a huge kiss on her lips.

And it wasn't my friend.


Wasn't a woman either. An impressively dressed queen in drag with long flowing blonde hair.

There really is no recovering the situation after that LMAO.

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cap gun... BAHAHHA!!! reminds me of the darwin award winners who held up a bank with sawn off shotguns and came out guns blazing at the police who were able to cease them surprisingly easier... it was later found out they were firing blanks.

lol vinson!

bow chica wow wow hahahah! wow alright. so suggestive too.. like you'd just finally built up the courage to try your new pick-up line.. bahahaha

i got a mild one (relatively!) i was driving my parents van on my way to a friend's place and i saw his car pulling out of the liquor shop so i figured he'd gone in to get some booze. i was driving down a 2 lane stretch of road so i engine braked and came to a stop 20m before some traffic lights and waited for him to catch up in left lane. i knew he wouldn't recognise me in the van, so i was steering out as he approached and quickly realised that rather than a thin white male i was expecting to see in the driver's seat it was in fact a larger female maori with gangster-looking bf in passenger seat.

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He needs to have a free tour of the streets of Harlem - New York.. with his little pocket rocket car and cap gun... :roll:

lol or try compton my mate who is one of the toughest guys I know recently went through compton in america and said he was crapping himself windows up doors liked and hiding behind the door peering out the window he said there are bullet holes everywhere and blood aswell :o

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