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Can guppies with elongated pelvic fins breed?


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Saw some gorgeous guppies today, but wouldn't bother getting an actual trio if the male couldn't breed.

He had an elongated fin down below. I am not sure if it was his pelvic fin (as in my thread title) or his actual gonopodium. Am I right in thinking its probably his gonopodium and he would be infertile? He was gorgeous, there were a few males I saw that had elongated fins.

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How long are we talking about?

Keri Anne has a lovely swordtail that has a gonopodium that drags past its tail (the shorter part of the tail, not the sword bit) that cannot 'do the deed' - I have offered to 'fix' the problem for her with a scalpel , but she's too squeamish to let me!

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mmm, snipping would just be so hard, they are so tiny! Probably end up stabbing him in the stomach with the scissors :o

Hes probably nothing special. Was entirely yellow/gold with an irridescent/pearl leopard pattern which I thought was gorgeous.

I stole a pic from the net and drew in (can you tell? hahaha) his long fin:


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Pretty much. Your photos looks like my drawing :wink:

Was just hard to tell as he was at the back of the tank trying his darndest with a missus :lol: So couldn't see if it was a plain tube, or maybe a bit more, but yeah, what else could it be apart from an elongated gonopodium?

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They can breed when the elongated anal fin is a hollow tube , and can be cut to the proper length. But if it does not form a hollow tube, it cannot breed. When the elongated gonopodium is cut to a certain length, it heals into a functional one. better to find a female to breed with instead because they carry the genes too.

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cesarz, I bought some guppies today. Only males though, as I'm not breeding them anyway. Got 2 of the nice gold leopardy ones, one of which has the long gonopodium.

Photos are up in my planted nano tank thread in the Freshwater section. I like the golds, but partner got to choose some too, hence the random other guppies :wink:

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