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Hello From Orlando, FL


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Hi Aquarists from New Zealand! I was doing some research the other morning and found my way to your forum. I read a thread where some of you were talking about snow, and skiing..in June! :o I decided I just had to join and speak to people who can go skiing in what is almost summer to me... :lol:

I have been keeping saltwater reef tanks since 2003.I worked in a small reef shop for several years. And just started keeping planted tanks in september of 2007.I have a 90 & 12 gallon reef,3 nano planted, and my newest project is a planted 20 gal. long. I hope I can share my tanks with you, and learn more about this great hobby. :)

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Thanks everyone for the warm welcome! 8)

Hey welcome :) cool to have someone from another country join :)
Am I the first? Surely there must be someone before me? I am fascinated by people from other countries, cultures. Are there any photos of your area posted anywhere on the forum? Where I live it is flat & plain. No cool waterfalls or mountain ranges. We are famous for our lightning, and we get a hurricane season every year.

Welcome to NZ 8)

Wait until you hear we are having a BBQ for Christmas dinner :lol:

Now that we can do here,it is hot most of the time. We do get cold..but we can have it 30's and 40's one day, and 80's and 90's the next.

It's great to be here and share ideas & methods. Thanks again..it seems like everyone is so friendly! :) My name is Carole.

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You are welcome to cruise through my Photobucket albums


Specially the one called "New Zealand". It will give you an idea of our country. We don't have many flat plains. 3/4 of my island is made up of the Southern Alps :-?

I am looking at your photos now!! WOW! Can I move there? :D I don't know what word best describes it....maybe breathtaking...amazing! Thank you so much, I am really enjoying a glimpse into your beautiful country. You are so lucky. Thank you all for being so kind and welcoming me. 8)
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Hi & welcome!

hehe...as you can see I'm your neighbour up north! Never been to Florida but have a sister who spends winters down there.

I haven't seen your tank pics just yet. I was a away for a bit so just trying to catch up on missed posts.

The people here are totally awesome as you will learn, always eager to help and you can be quaranteed a good laugh as well :P

Yes, funny how they are heading for winter, we are heading for summer here and you're lucky (except for the hurricanes) to have summer all year round!

Take care & have fun,


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