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Good morning


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Good morning mumzy.. gotta love winter huh :roll: I am still thawing out with a cuppa tea... and soon to be marmite on toast... and then have washing to hang, beautiful clear blue skied day but can spot the snow on the ranges... Gee I am looking at my bearded dragon, only wishing that I could share a stretch out on his log under that heat lamp :lol:

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Good morning mumzy.. gotta love winter huh :roll: I am still thawing out with a cuppa tea... and soon to be marmite on toast... and then have washing to hang, beautiful clear blue skied day but can spot the snow on the ranges... Gee I am looking at my bearded dragon, only wishing that I could share a stretch out on his log under that heat lamp :lol:

Your lucky to get washing dry on the line.Im near the hills,and it can be out all day and not dry,so straight in the dryer for mine.L dont look forward to my power bill with the dryer and fish tanks.But it is a beautiful day. :lol:

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Gorgeous sunny day here and just been for a walk up the Wither Hills and admired the snow in the distance.

Washing hung out and not frozen. Just as well as I don't have a dryer :-?

\No need for one in sunny Marlborough. :wink:

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Hope you are feeling better and over that attack Feeding Frenzy... 8)

Yeap I have a job, it's called being a Wife/Mum... that's the hardest job in the world :lol: Especially when you are out numbered by untidy males :lol:

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he was meaning paid work?

I get paid , food is in the cubboards, bills are paid that we rack up while the man is at work, i get a new fish or 2 or tanks etc. In one way or another I would call it paid work :P

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I have gotten Dry Socket from my tooth extraction last week. Pain is about 8/10 right now, with panadeine.

Mmm - you say tooth extraction, like you only got one pulled. Last week (or the week before that) I had not 1, not 2, not 3, but 4!! 4 teeth pulled out. :cry:

And so now I am liking the look of soup very much. And my gums bleed when ever I brush my teeth. And even my thumbnails make them bleed.

I got 1 out on one side (canine) and 3, thats right 3, on the other. Canine, one after that, and the one after that :roll: ) all up top :o they were all babies too 8) .

I was going to say to all my mates that I was jumped by the Mungrel Mob on the way to school :lol: . I got off X-country though :lol:

Oh, and the dentist was like "ok three injections done, I'll go find some pliers" and he comes back with these great massive things, and im like (in my head) "oh no, oh no, oh no" And he didn't event hesitate :o Just, Wrench, wrench, wrench, oh, this ones a toughy, squeeze harder, wrench.


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What have you been eating Gorgeous?! Huh? Huh? Clearly not enough healthy stuff lol.

Nah, i was getting shark teeth. Three of the four pulled had another tooth coming in above them, but over-lapping. And the dentist was a bit psycho :-? :lol: ,and so pulled the last one.

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