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Plant being attacked

Scuba Sam

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Hi there, I have a plant problem I am hoping you guys can solve.

My community tank at work has two Amazon swords in it, and the leaves are being chewed. Looks like what slugs do to small lettuce plants in the garden.

Fish: Neon tetras, one cardinal tetra, zebra danios, lemon tetras, Glowlight tetras, Red phantom tetras, corydoras venezualanus (orange cories - look like bronze cories but orange patch), and some wagtail platies.

Other plants - Indan Fern, cabomba.

There have never been snails in this tank. I do have some black beard algae, and it is on the Amazon swords too. I pick up some Siamese algae eaters today which should sort that.

Advice please?


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Thanks for all your ideas. Food for thought. I got the SAE's last night to attempt to sort out the beard algae. The two Amazon swords were separated last week - they had been growing close together and had taken over the front of the tank. On hindsight we only noticed the damage after separating the tank, which was shortly after the bristlenose died.

So probably you are correct Warren and Caserole - must have been the bristlenose, and not noticed til after she died and the plants were separated. Would she have nibbled the algae off the leaves too?

Left off the list coz she died before we noticed the damage, but starts to make sense now.

Thanks for the hints so far guys,


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Bristlenose damage the membrane surface of the leaf. Then that section of the leaf dies and rots away. Initially there seems to be no damage then it shows up a day or two later. They seem to be the only algae eating fish to cause that type of damage to sword plants.

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Bristlenose damage the membrane surface of the leaf. Then that section of the leaf dies and rots away. Initially there seems to be no damage then it shows up a day or two later. They seem to be the only algae eating fish to cause that type of damage to sword plants.

Add Blue Panaque to that list - little buggers :-?

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  • 5 weeks later...
ive got 4 bns and a red spot pleco i have a sword going good in there . its the clown loaches that do the most damage in my tank they like to pull out my sag and my newly planted glosso

As much as I love my clown loaches, my goodness I wish they would leave the plants alone! :evil:

They really are little pigs, constantly rooting around in the substrate looking for a bit of left-over breakfast they might have missed. Straight through the new plants as if they weren't there! grrrr!

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