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Camera Recommendations - Please help...


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Heya :D

Well the other is half is at training and I had just taken some pics of our bearded dragon and went to put them on my lap top and after plugging the cord into the camera, it seems that I have pushed the whole port that the cord plugs into, right inside the camera..... :o *gulp*

Ok the camera is due to be upgraded, it is rather old and only a 4.0 mega pixel thingy.. was good in it's day... so seems upgrade has come sooner rather than later... but hmmm I will still be for it when the other half gets home.. :roll: :lol:

So seems we are on the look out for a new camera, but this time... I want to get something really good... something that can use those macro lens thingy majiggys...

Please could people give me some suggestions on what is a good buy and possibly what to stay away from....???

Now I am not married to a Donald Trump so something within a reasonable price range sounds good enough to me :D :lol:

Many thanks in advance 8)

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Gosh Afrikan, sorry to hear about that.

I'm sure everyone knows that sinking feeling you get when you break something thats not technically yours to break!!!!!

gl finding a replacement!

Arrrggh I know what you mean Zabman :o:D I had to look twice before I actually realised that I had done it :-? :lol:

pull port back out so it looks alright

then ask him to use camera,

then you can :roll: at him :D

:lol: livingart.. you must have read my mind.... :lol: However, I have tried to pull the darn thing out and I pushed it in even more.... :oops: :oops:

what sort of dollars are you looking at

I normally get Canons

Barrie I am looking at around $2000 maximum I guess... something within that price range...? I am coming into a little bit of money at the end of the year and was going to be purchasing a good camera then but seems might have to jam one on a Q Card or something before then now :oops:

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:lol: :lol: It definately won't work for me... I even tried using his little tiny microscopic screw driver thingys to get it in there to try and get out but hmmm not sure if I made matters worse or... :oops:

Hahahaha repto... if I had of managed to get the camera to look as good as new, you could have well had that axe hanging over my head... :lol: :lol:

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$2000 is a really good camera

Im looking at getting a Canon 400d on the recomendations of a guy that knows his stuff and from results Ive seen .

There is a example of some macro photos in the freshwater section (I think)

I saw a 400d today at Noel Leming for $1399 so theres still enough left over from your budget for extra lens or for shoe shopping :wink:

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Oh thanks for the suggeston Barrie, much appreciated 8)

Makes me feel even better that my budget isn't under what a decent camera costs... the thing I broke tonight is a bit of a war horse compared to what is out there now, but being the only digital camera we have at this time, it certainly was precious in the sense of being able to take some pics, whether they great or not :lol:

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Barrie is right -it is all in the glass. It's probably also all in the advice.

If you are wanting to get the sort of results we are seeing at the moment on the forum then you will need a SLR type of camera with interchangeable lens. No 'point and shoot, no matter how good the guy from Noel leemings thinks it is, will do that job.

Find the Camera body you want and you might find different prices available.Generally speaking any lens sold with a camera in that price point is average. Look at getting the body only and upgrading the lens. You are better having a $1200.00 body with a $1000.00 lens than a $1600.00 body with a $600.00 lens.

I hope the moderators don't take this off because they see it as advertising or something. But I thought it might give you ideas.


But remember cameras don't have souls and I've yet to hold one that can take a picture.

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Thanks heaps guys... I really appreciate the advice and feedback... 8)

Tiden... I haven't made it out to the clothesline yet... I haven't yet filled him in on the mishap since he's got in the door :oops: :lol: He is on the phone to someone... and I am conveniently leaving him on it :lol:

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I agree a SLR with a couple of good lenses will give the best results, but dont discount the top range 'point and shoots'.

No they wont give you as good picture as a $2,000 SLR with a couple of extra lenses. But you are only out $500 for a good Sony or Panasonic.

I have a Sony H7

My Crayfish


My Pleco


Decent pics - $1500 left in your pocket. :-?

It's your call. But the extra cash buys a lot of aquarium gear. And the Sony I have now has a 35-420mm equalivant zoom. One camera and lens to do everything.

It's not as good as a modern SLR, but I bet it will do 99% of the shots almost as well.


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I agree a SLR with a couple of good lenses will give the best results, but dont discount the top range 'point and shoots'.

No they wont give you as good picture as a $2,000 SLR with a couple of extra lenses. But you are only out $500 for a good Sony or Panasonic.

I have a Sony H7

My Crayfish

My Pleco

Decent pics - $1500 left in your pocket. :-?

It's your call. But the extra cash buys a lot of aquarium gear. And the Sony I have now has a 35-420mm equalivant zoom. One camera and lens to do everything.

It's not as good as a modern SLR, but I bet it will do 99% of the shots almost as well.


Didn't realise you worked at Noel Leemings Ian. LOL

Was that a Tetra behind that plec-ooops!, Bugger, damm, gueesz we'll never know.

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Gee, is there anything you folks don't know about :o:o Geesh, I know how to hold a camera, I can charge the batteries, take good pics sometimes...but that is it. When I bought the camera the guy did a quick review of the different "settings?" and seemed easy enough, HA! I can't even figure it out using the book that came with it....dumb dumb dumb :P

Now Afrikan, unless you have the strength of an elephant you couldn't have pushed that "thing" in if it wasn't already on the downside of working incorrectly, RIGHT :o:P Soooo, the way I see it, you did nothing wrong would haved happened to anybody, RIGHT!


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another feature that I use on my camera (a cheap canon but it had an underwater housing available) is a machine gun action. My camera can take shots at about 3 every 2 seconds and that can be a great help (keep in mind that my wife does dove releases at weddings so I can take action shots or the Bride and Groome releaseing the doves) The SLR cameras (more expensive ones) can take 5 times the amount of photos in the same time.

Why would you want that feature? easy, your kids play and you can get a chance of that photo of a lifetime by say using a machine gun action shot (or shots) of them running, jumping, falling, swimming rather than a posed false smiling photo.

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That is my exact thoughts Caper, the thing must have already been on it's way out hehe :D 8)

Well seems after dropping the bomb shell, we are on the look out for a nice camera in the next month or two... depends on whether or not I can unhook oneself off the clothes line.. :lol:

Thanks for your thoughts and advice people, very very much appreciated 8)

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