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Why Americans are fat...


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Ira please explain your post. It makes no sense what so ever.

The map has a few coloured in red states, and???

Your question refers to "this guy", who is this guy?

and what does KFC have to do with a map without scale of key?

Despite explaining things taking away the funny...

Like Mystic says, the red states look like a man with a stereotypical bakers hat on holding a plate with food in front of him. The "food" is the state of Kentucky. Hence the "Kentucky Fried Chicken"

Is there anything else that needs explained?

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The "food" is the state of Kentucky. Hence the "Kentucky Fried Chicken"

And non-Americans are supposed to get that? :-?

Its a pet-hate of mine that when Americans tell you where they're from they say 'Chicago, Il' or 'City, State', and just expect/assume that you know where the state is and that its part of America.

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Actually, that wasn't a relevant part of the joke. The joke was the bunch of states that look like a big dOOd in a bakers hat holding a plate of food.

I couldn't remember which state it was myself as it's part of the lesser 48.

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Personally i'm a little surprised at the tone of this thread, American people are probably no better, or worse, than the rest of us.

Also, in NZ we are pretty laid back, and don't feel threatened by anyone else. The latest fashion is to bash the curent US administration as being militaristic. But there are some REALLY nasty governments and organisations out there run by fanatics, who would like to do us harm. America has traditionally stood between us and them and i don't think the average kiwi appreciates this.

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Very true Wasp..

I bet if you stopped 100 people on New Zealand streets and asked general knowledge questions, i think youd be very surprised.

I have no stats to back up my statement, just day in , day out dealing with the public.

There are some very ignorant, or just plain dumb, people in our country too!!!

Its just that everyone finds it funny to laugh at other peoples expence.Its not as interesting to hear people give the correct answers.

Did any of that make sense.??

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