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show us your tats


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without wanting to upset or start a arguement.

The thing that put me of body graffety was seeing people that had them as kids and seeing the 40 or 50 years later.

Tats are also off putting to a lot of people and I have been asked on a few occasions not to send the guy with his arms tattooed (upper arms only) as they (customer) isnt comfortable with them.

Would I employ a person with Tattoos showing in say summer.... no way at all

Have I anything against them, no but if it costs me work, Nup, they wont work for me.

When I was young, I thought about getting some but it was my Grand Parents that said look at my Grandfathers tat on his back first before I make a final decision. I did and 50 years later it looked really terrible. I asume that with all the lotions out there now, skin may not sag and wrinkle the same?

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I'm afraid tattoos have become a bit of a tacky cliche around Christchurch - they got very trendy and commercialised up until a year or so ago, especially Celtic style stuff. Now every calls them 'tuff-stamps' and mock people who have them - they have really fallen out of favour. I guess that's the problem with tattoos - trends change, but they don't.

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I know someone, whose middle name is Rose, who got a rose tattooed on her breast. I must say that as she has aged the rose looks like it needs watering as it is rather wilted compared to what it looked like when she had it done in her early twentys :roll:

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Barrie, I work in peoples houses for a living and never had a problem with my tattoos, maybe people I deal with arnt as shallow?

yep same here, im in a different house nearly every day, and never had a complaint or anything bad said. alot of people comment on them, but never in a negative way. most people are just interested in how much it hurts, or costs, or how long it takes, etc.

there are very few people who judge a book by its cover.

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I have 2 vans on the road all day with 4 guys.

We visit on average 6 to 8 houses per day on average

The age of our customers is from 15 to 90 so I belive that we do get a pretty good cross section of people

Do the sums and ask yourself

Is it really worth while?... only you can answer that... not me


You mention that inks have changed. That wasnt my point and to be honest, at a guess, I would say that they (the tatoos) could be recoloured at some stage in the future. The point I was trying to make is will your skin/body still show off your body art in the future when your skin starts to sag and wrinkle?

Again, I dont know, only you and the chemists that make up all the skin lotions can answer that?

If my grandfather was still alive, I would take a couple of photos and post them to show you and maybe that could change or strengthen your views.

Dont mistake what Im saying, I simply dont care wheher you have them or not but it is one of the many things I consider when hireing staff as to me to have some little old lady (or anyone else) asking me not to send a guy because shes not comfortable with the way he looks could cost me customers and therefore his workmates jobs.

In some ways its similar to the old saying "never trust a man (or woman?) with a beard".

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I must say I find some tats interesting but would never want one myself. I prefer the look on a single well done tat than a mass of them over the area as they stand out more.

What I can't stand is body piercings! :lol: Even pierced ears make me cringe.

Mystic: A lot depends on the guy - and the tat! :lol:

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i like tattoo's but i prefer the single designs to mass designs but have seen some really nice mass designs lately though

i have been thinking about getting my family tattooed on my back so i can cover up and show of if i want still looking for a kick ass design first

even when i get one and im old and saggy lol and it wont look as flash i'll still be proud of it because i will have my family with me were ever life takes me wich is the whole point of having my family tattooed on my body

but as previous members said each to there own i have chosen the location to spare the public lol and future employers or employees who knows lol just my teo cents

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i have been thinking about getting my family tattooed on my back so i can cover up and show of if i want still looking for a kick ass design first

even when i get one and im old and saggy lol and it wont look as flash i'll still be proud of it because i will have my family with me were ever life takes me wich is the whole point of having my family tattooed on my body

Thats a cool idea... now have to go ask mum.... NOT :lol:

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Yuck, nearly looks as bad as Bam's dick brand on his butt.

Some tattoo's are cool, but they're just way too perminant for me. I know what the silver fern on my 92 year old grandfathers arm looked like at his age, I think there will be some hella ugly looking old people around in years to come...

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I've got my two... silver fern on american football helmetover my heart and my star signs on my shoulder (scorpio and dragon). No pics as I've never bothered to figure out photobucket etc.

I'm more keen to avoid piercings completely for me as they're almost certainly get torn out playing sport.

Being evil I've always wanted to set up a huge electromagnet along a busy city street and see whio gets "attracted".

Gavin.... :) :)

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There is an interesting dilema associated with tattoos. Most people who have them claim some sort of significance or meaning associated with the tattoo, rather than it just being some sort of doodle, but then they get a little unhappy when other people also assign a wider meaning to them.

I think part of the 'problem' 'issue' or whatever you want to call it is that to the person with the tattoo, the tattoo (usually) has some sort of specific event or personal experience liked with it, whereas to everyone else they just look like some ugly tat of a dog/rose/skull/anchor, whatever. To those of us who have been around a little longer, you can also see the link between certain groups in society and the kinds of tattoos they get (or don't get), which kind of contradicts the whole 'personal expression' idea.

Nowadays lots of trendy middle class kids (in Christchurch, anyway) have got celtic or japanese derived tattoos in the small of their back or on their shoulder, and in doing so they have (perhaps unwittingly) joined a group that will be judged by other groups in society whether they like it or not, because it can't all be about personal expression - in fact to other groups it looks a lot like conformity. More than that, some people get tattoos exactly because they want to conform and will be judged by them - why else get a cultural tattoo unless you want to be associated with that culture?

Tattoos have always been social markers - some cultural, some of class. To older generations tattoos were only worn by criminals or military men (there were no tattoo parlours on the corner), and it was fairly obvious to which group you belonged. I don't think people should be suprised or offended if older people still view them that way. In fact the link between certain tattoos and certain groups in society is as strong as it ever was, regardless of any personal significance they might have to particular individuals within that group. I think open mindedness means people with tattoos need to be aware of the significance they might have to others, not just themselves. Isn't that what 'each to their own' really means?

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The inspiration came from WildspiritWolfs Tribal betta. Very talented artist!

I didn't want to steal her piccy so just used the concept of a tribal fish to draw up my own.

I haven't yet found an image or drawn one yet that i 100% want to put on my skin forever. The Csection scars from when i had my 2 children are probably more significant than any picture i could find anyway

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