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Neon Tetra-Green Neon Tetra Difference.


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They are virtually the same. There is less red on the green apparently, and the blue area is more sort of greenish and supposedly more "Brilliant". Green Neon Tetras are occasionally called false tetras, I think.

I imagine that unless you're showing them to a real tetra expert, the only true difference will be about five bucks a fish.

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Hi All.

Albinism is caused by a lack of "melanin" in the cells of the body.

As a consequence the colour of an "Albino" can vary slightly but the main thing is that there is NO BLACK PIGMENT in the eyes.

They are always pink. Just like these Angels, but you can notice the outline of the stripes and the overall blush of yellow.


These are as rare as the proverbial rocking horse stuff.


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What is the difference between the 2? I look at pictures on the net and they both look the same.

Hi Dixon 'Green neons', or 'Green Cardinals' or 'False Neons' as they are sometimes called, are physically very similar sized and shape to usual neons, but they have almost no red stripe and the blue one extends right to the base of the tail. They are smaller than cardinals. They are much harder to keep than both ordinary neons and cardinals because thay are caught in a particlar part of a river that has quite a low ph and a lot of tanins in the water. They are also much more prone to disease unless you keep the water parameters right. That said, I have a school that is two years old and they look awesome with Red Turquoise Discus. If you understand water chemistry and are able to maintain it, then they are a great little fish.

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Do u have an albino rabbbit cheesejawa ??

I have one :D:D

His name is Ivory, and guess what, his girldfriends name is Ebony, i bet u cant guess what colour she is :lol: :lol:

Together they have had 19 beautiful babies in 4 months, of all differnt colours.

I always thought, if it is white with red or pink eyes its classed as Albino??

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No I have just got a light brown ordinary rabbit named miffy by my sister (its actully short for miffanwe but she dosent know that :D ) I was just thinking about why people always try to breed albino forms of every animal we domesticate eg GBAS, white rabbits, golden labradors and pink convicts.

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Hi All.

In reply to cheesejawa; :roll:

I dont think that everybody tries to breed "ALBINO'S"; of anything.

If you understand genetics, and all that relates to "Albinism" then you would understand that to breed "Albino's", you must have a pair of "Albino's" to start with. :wink:

However, as "Albino" is a recessive gene, the offspring of the parents may only give a small percentage of albino's and the remainder would be "NORMAL" as "normal" is the dominant gene.

In the case of my Angel's they are rare because the parents are just common "Pterophyllum scalare", Silver Angels that usually have bred true but now they have given me a small amount of "Albino's". :lol:

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Back on track...

I would have to agree with tHEcONCH, I started with a 11 Green Neons, and promptly lost half to whitespot. I have since replenished the numbers.

I have noticed that they don't seem to grow as large as a normal neon, but they do seem to be more social and school more than normal neons.

If the light angles are correct, they appear more green than blue.

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  • 1 month later...

You getting some?

I might get some for my cardinal tank and make it a Paracheirodon tank next week if theres some left.

I was there in the weekend and forgot to put it on here but there was about 20-30 of them so there should still be planty there.

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