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4 foot tank


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Ok, so its not quite 4 foot :(

Dimensions: 1200 x 700 x 600

Lighting: 2x 150w MH, 14k bulbs, 2x blue T5 4 foot long tubes

Current stock - Lotsa corals, most of which I can't name. :(

Fish -

Pair of Clarkii clowns

Juve Emperor Angel

Fire Goby (His mate jumped :/)

Cleaner Shrimp

Coral Branded Shrimp


2 Blue/Green Chromis.

1x Chocolate Brittle Star

Wanted - Naso Tang

- Pair of Bangai Cardinals

And now. Pictures.




Mid-tank shot. Clams, Fire Goby


Mid-tank Shot. Emperor angel.


As above, my emperor is as photogenic as a brick. He hides :(


My acros, purple hairy on left, white on right


top down shot. Rubbish.


my favourite shroom. Yes, i know it stings stuff :/


Grape coral? - Scroll on LHS was 100% brown when I got it, its coloured up nicely, getting some yellow polyps on it.


Octopus coral?


My clam(s), the other one moves around constantly. Can anyone ID the bright fluro green candycane?

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Your PhotoShop skills could do with some work!

Option two - Just have sand around the clams & the lobo.

If it is happy on the crate I wouldn't try and get it off, you could damage to foot.

You could fill the egg crate up with sand to hide it, or stick some mushys or Zoas on it.

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Love your tank markoshark, it's going to look great as time ticks on... and love that emperor angel :hail:

Good ol' Bry aquascaping aye, you can come and do my marine tank if you like Bry since you're coming home for xmas (won't have much to do since it's having a Niger Trigger however) :lol: :lol: :P

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  • 2 months later...
i'm going to be doing the same as well, thanks to my home-bodged phosphate reactor splitting and sending clouds of thick red crap flowing around my tank having to do a massive w/c and empty the sump out... grrr

Sounds like you had better update this post there markoshark..

So, are you going to give miracle mud a try? If so, thats cool, it will be interesting to see how yours and reefs tanks go with it.

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