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What makes you tick?


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Hi guys

just wondering.

you get such diversity.

just wanted to know, us fishkeepers/amphibian/reptile keepers.

what makes you tick?

i hear people keeping gouramis, killis and mosnters.

just wondering, what are your reasons for keeping certain types of fish?

what is it bout that type of fish that makes you tick?

ill start...

i am a MFK/weird oddball fish keeper. i like fish that are predatory, i liek to watch them hunt and eat, even frozen food, if i like how they eat then i like the fish.

such as the puffers, reptiles, arowanas, pacus and axolotls.

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I like the killies as i was hooked from the second i walked into tims fishroom in tauranga. There is such a wide range of colours and also the fact that they are so rare makes it that much more enjoyable to keep. But its mainly all the different colours that do it for me.

Also on a different note i have a common pleco which i love to bits, as he was the first tropical fish i ever got.

....And also i like a fish that stands out at a fish shop or someones fish room. generally if a fish stands out to me i will buy it and ask questions later

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about 25 to 30 years ago I made a few tank (32) and visited a store with wanting something different that I may be able to breed as well.


I did look at Discus and visited a guy by the name of Don Hanley in Park Re Titirangi and he showed me a a Killi that looked really beautiful with flowing fins and really colourful. Im sure it was an Australi Gold but that hooked me and soon I had 32 spiece and had devided quite a few tanks into twin tanks.

After a few years, I wasnt looking after them so it was time to get rid of them and Logan Foe was called (he was the pres of the Killi club) and he was given everything I had. Stands, fish, tanks, heaters and pumps.

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Raceing pigeons (with has the white doves for weddings now)

My daughter came home with some guppys and I showed her some photos of the Killis I had all those years ago.

End story is that I now have 42 tanks (most are the twin tanks ) filled with Killis and some with Guppys.

Yes, I will make some more tanks and take over the larger side of the garage and my aim is to keep and breed all the spiece that I can with a few exceptions so that they dont die out again. Hardest thing is to find them as a lot of people dont know what they have in the corner of that tanks in the sitting room unless they are Killi people.

In setting up, I have had a lot of help from Wok, Alan W, Stuart L, Erling J and Tim and I thank them sincerly

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Amazon for me, this also goes for parrots as well. There’s just something about the jungle, animals and people that seem to be from a lost world. If it came down to one or the other I’d have to go with parrots. Hopefully in the next 12-18months I'll be going there for 4 weeks bird watching (does that make me a geek) and the Inca Trail.

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I swallowed a clock as a child...

:o :lol: :lol: :lol:

I like a bit of both (looks and personality)- that goes for the fish I choose as well, hehehe. :lol:

Case in point- my most recent purchase, a bicolour blennie :D I was initially going to go for looks (there are these new Alleni Damsels at Origins that are really colourful and pretty) But the blennie was making me laugh with his antics (he was peering out behind this little pipe at me and it was so funny watching him dart around so furtively then slowly peek up behind it!), I just fell in love with him. Am watching him now in fact as he snoops around the tank and pops in and out of holes in the rock like a gofer...So cool!

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i really want to get into marine

but i hear its difficult and requires alot of care


maybe one day

Yes-requires a lot of care (and a LOT of money!) but difficult...I wouldn't say that. Just a little more involved and time consuming than freshwater? But very rewarding!

By the looks of it you have a fair bit of experience caring for different types of animals anyway, so it wouldn't be that difficult for you to try out :D

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i dont know what fish i have

so please let me know for sure from the photo

i have sen jardinii before, pet shops, adult photos etc.

mine resembles more of the formosus, whcih is unlikely

http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebInde ... iforms.htm

on that website aboe you will see formosus and jardinii.

my one is nothing like the jardinii, in fact it looks exactly in colour like that one formous picture above.

my arowana is dark dark copper shiny, with a hint of black, not grey or white ish. it has no red spots on the body, but the tail is about 50% red with black veins.

jsut curious as all the jardiniis description i have hear is nothing like mine

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I doubt it'll be a S. formosus/Asian Aro, I'd say its definately an australian aro of some description (I'm not very clued up on the finer points of identifying which one), either S. jardini or S. leichardti. Maybe post a couple of pics of it here and someone will be able to ID it for you.

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Plecos because they are the Dinosaur fish and so the coolest for me. Chances are, if you like what you see swimming around then you'll love what you dont see underneath. Still plentyof species to try yet, maybe marine when I win lotto- cause if I do marine it has to be huge( so when I get bored of it I't'll be a huge pleco tank)!!!!

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